Sky-high house prices haven't put first home buyers off, but could rising interest rates?
Recent rate rises have added $1800 on to a typical yearly home loan. It could get higher.
Recent rate rises have added $1800 on to a typical yearly home loan. It could get higher.
$2m gets you rundown, toilet-less villa in Auckland. Money goes a lot further down south.
The capital value (CV) for the motel is $4.3m.
But big new hotel to stay open
The application has been opposed by lobby group Quiet Sky Waiheke.
"You're a long time dead ... whatever you are doing, make sure it's enjoyable."
Heritage groups worry high rises are coming inner Auckland. Developers say get used to it.
'Pleased that the police have responded today to the untenable situation' - developer.
The Govt will repay those who paid too much due to an error.
'A fifth, or 22 of our independent contractors have already signed the new contract'.
'Repeatedly kicked 55-year-old security guard in the head as he lay on the pontoon'
Aussie parents now lending $34b in home loans to kids. NZ not far behind, experts say
OPINION: Landowners should be working together in transforming town centres.
More than 41,000 people left Auckland in search of greener pastures in just five years.
About 40 per cent of Kiwi kids regularly move house by the age of 8, study finds.
What's the fight about, how did it get to this, who's involved, what they say, what next?
Developer says 'staff are simply trying to do their jobs'.
"I've been in and around the sector for over 10 years," says Oceania Healthcare boss.
"Goodman is uniquely placed to benefit from the growing digital economy".
Critics have cited koalas in the area as one reason to oppose development.
The EcoWorld Aquarium and Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre must clear out in three months.
"The future is looking brighter than it has for many years."
'I hope to buy a second house - in the next one to two years' - Manoj Alwis.
There's no stopping the runaway house market.
"Ryman has downplayed the impacts of the effects on this bayside estate" - tribunal
It's billed as Grey Lynn's most affordable character entry home. But where do you shower?
Four years in planning - and counting.
Anne Gibson looks at some of the key issues to investigate before making your move.
By 2033, JLL estimates around 81,000 people will live in these villages.