Latest fromCommercial Property

Councils face deluge of leak suits
The floodgates are open for owners of all buildings less than a decade old to sue councils after a landmark Supreme Court ruling yesterday, a legal expert says.

North Shore office vacancies fall
Reduction first in six years as pre-crisis developments fill up, says Bayleys.

Brian Rudman: A rail loop or Queen St full of buses
For anyone who doubts the need for the inner-city rail tunnel, the recent draft public transport plan is the document to change your mind, writes Brian Rudman.

Leaky homes: Hundreds may go
Total demolition of huge leaky Auckland townhouse blocks is being proposed by desperate homeowners whose properties are so rotten they are beyond repair.

Clash over beachfront reserve
Car parks behind one of Auckland's finest beaches could be turned into an expanded public reserve under a council plan.

IRD says sorry for privacy breach
Inland Revenue has apologised after personal details for just under 30 customers were incorrectly released.

Industrial vacancies heading down
Multiple offers on premises common, with anything from two to four parties competing.