Southern Corridor top office area
The latest vacancy survey by Bayleys Research reveals that the Southern Corridor running from Greenlane to Penrose has the lowest vacancy level of the main office markets in the Auckland.
The latest vacancy survey by Bayleys Research reveals that the Southern Corridor running from Greenlane to Penrose has the lowest vacancy level of the main office markets in the Auckland.
Construction has started on The Foundation, a $20 million retail development on Oteha Valley Rd in Albany, due to be completed towards the end of this year.
KiwiSaver's swelling coffers have prompted a local fund manager to buy a big Auckland office block from a European owner - and more such deals are being predicted.
When Queen St's Imperial Laneway got its $15 million makeover a couple of years ago, owners poured $4 million into seismic strengthening.
Kingsland property owner Pam Willis says insurance premiums may reach the point where owners start tearing down commercial buildings.
Landlords are crying poor and seeking financial assistance in the face of proposals to strengthen thousands of old buildings.
Changes are being made at the Queen Street Markets in the old MidCity Cinemas complex on Auckland's Golden Mile.
An American beach-themed eaterie making waves in Auckland's corporate heart is expected to operate for only a couple more months.
Affordability is a huge issue for small businesses and building owners, Mr Gudgeon says. "Strengthening is a cost burden - with no return".
Some of New Zealand's historic buildings are about to be hit by a multibillion-dollar bombshell, as the Government forces their strengthening, experts claim.
Home-building consents fell last month as a drop in approvals for apartments offset gains for other types of dwellings
The official declaration of a state of drought in Northland has been welcomed by farmers, who say it will bring much-needed support to those affected.
A state of drought has been officially declared for Northland. Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy made the announcement at a Dargaville dairy farm this afternoon.
Prime Minister John Key says there is a reasonably high chance a drought will be declared soon as the country's farmers become increasingly concerned.
The community housing sector in Auckland, which elsewhere would be in the market for developer-supplied affordable housing, is neither strong nor vibrant, writes Brian Rudman.
More than half of Auckland's residential land is to be rezoned for apartments and intensification to squeeze in a million extra people by 2040.
Successful waterfronts around the world have a mix of commercial, residential and public uses, writes John Dalzell. Our aim is to get the balance between these elements right.
Local companies, including accounting software firm Xero and business incubator The Icehouse.
Oyster Property Group has launched its first proportionate ownership scheme for 2013 by offering investors the Orion Health building, known as Orion House, in Grafton.
Work on a trimmed walking and cycling promenade through Westhaven is due to start in September, but the project has encountered problems.
Commercial property yields across Auckland have shown the strongest drop across New Zealand over the past year.
A secret Auckland Council agenda item has revealed the Wynyard Quarter as a possible site for Fonterra's planned new $100 million campus-style world HQ.
Auckland Transport's parking wardens are enjoying views of Takapuna Beach from the upstairs balcony of a building which was gifted by North Shore citizens for a public library.