Farms prices tipped to hold steady
New data out shortly could show if the severe drought is having an effect on farm sales but one expert believes farmers' general spending will be hit harder than volumes or prices of property deals.
New data out shortly could show if the severe drought is having an effect on farm sales but one expert believes farmers' general spending will be hit harder than volumes or prices of property deals.
Brewer leaving historic Newmarket site for new home with fewer floors but more room.
New Zealand's biggest civil engineering, roading and resources business has denied a report it is being put up for sale.
A former Takapuna Grammar student, who migrated from Malaysia 12 years ago, has just completed one of this year's biggest commercial property deals.
Mainzeal liquidators were asked about the possibility of fraud at a creditors' meeting in Auckland today.
A four-storey freehold commercial building overlooking Auckland's Viaduct leasehold zone is being marketed for sale as having considerable rental upside when fully tenanted.
The steady recovery in the commercial and industrial markets of 2012 is expected to increase momentum through 2013, says Bayleys research manager Gerald Rundle.
Goodman Property Trust could own the new $60 million to $80 million Fonterra headquarters to be built near Auckland's waterfront.
Large parts of the country's building stock will be off-limits for disabled people under a proposal to trim the cost of upgrading thousands of earthquake-prone buildings, advocacy groups have warned.
The sale of a Columbus cafe at the Westfield shopping centre in Albany on Auckland's North Shore represents an excellent opportunity for a motivated person looking to buy a brand name business.
A well-established chandlery business at an attractive marina south of Auckland is being marketed for sale by Darcy Snowden of Christopher Brown & Associates.
Precinct Properties NZ's swoop on the HSBC tower at No 1 Queen St gives the listed landlord control of an entire city block with substantial redevelopment potential.
Precinct Properties New Zealand has agreed to buy HSBC Tower at the bottom of Auckland's Queen St for $103 million.
Fletcher Building and Goodman Group are planning a $500 million four- to five-building commercial office precinct near Auckland's waterfront, a boss involved in the deal says.
Auckland Council has voted to stay in an organisation that calls itself the voice of commercial property - after rejecting pleas that citizens see a conflict of interest.
The announcement by Oyster Property Group that its syndicated offering of Orion House in Grafton has closed more than a week early and is over-subscribed.
A new strategy is needed if we want young families to be able to buy homes as their parents and grandparents did, writes Jeff Walters. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix.
Population predictions show township is earmarked as future commercial heart of Auckland's Hibiscus Coast