Beachlands project a step closer
A four-year battle to get to the stage where resource consent can be sought for a Beachlands project has left one of New Zealand's biggest supermarket chains disillusioned about planning processes.
A four-year battle to get to the stage where resource consent can be sought for a Beachlands project has left one of New Zealand's biggest supermarket chains disillusioned about planning processes.
Residential rents could rise and historic buildings might be abandoned, say property chiefs who have mixed feelings about real estate changes in the Budget.
Auckland Mayor Len Brown is backing down in the face of a citywide revolt against high-rise apartments and infill housing in a new planning rulebook for the city.
Auckland Mayor Len Brown is refusing to help a community battling plans by hardware giant Bunnings to build a big box retail store alongside homes and kindergartens.
Landowners having to pay the council a share of profits on rezoned properties.
Moller Architects' Gordon Moller and son Craig have been working with SkyCity Entertainment Group for some years.
Ngati Whatua o Orakei is preparing for a big Auckland real estate development push, after its treaty settlement and commercial restructuring.
Auckland's top real estate agency has welcomed the Reserve Bank's moves to dampen the hot housing market but doesn't expect prices to suddenly drop.
Ngati Whatua o Orakei is considering building housing and a retirement village on a waterfront block it owns at Ngataringa Bay near Devonport.
There is considerable demand for additional retail mall space in several areas of New Zealand.
The headquarters of failed construction firm Mainzeal is back on the market for sale or lease.
Ex-Takapuna Grammar student and Malaysian migrant King Khoo completed one of this year's largest commercial deals to fulfil the terms of the business migrant scheme.
Assets belonging to failed construction company Mainzeal - including everything from toilet blocks to tower cranes - are being put under the hammer.
About $2.5 million has been spent on the Sofitel Auckland Viaduct Harbour since the world's biggest hotel operator took over running the former Westin.
In one of this year's largest commercial property transactions Mansons TCLM has sold its recently developed GHD Building in central Auckland for $63 million.
The land and heritage building housing Gantleys, one of Queenstown's top restaurants, and the original home to the area's pioneer lawman is for sale.
A towering 108-level Melbourne apartment/hotel block set to be one of the world's tallest buildings will be about 30 storeys higher than Auckland's Sky Tower.
A Property For Industry investor is waiting for more information on a proposal to almost double the size of the $382.2 million NZX-listed business.
A building industry official has hit back at criticism about material pricing on big construction jobs and a threat to source concrete for the new Christchurch Convention Centre from Mexico.
Company's move to new office building caps busy year for leasing specialist.