Latest fromCommercial Property
Purchasers taking greater debt risks
A surge in demand by owner occupiers for vacant industrial buildings in the Auckland market has led to a shortage of supply.
Solid demand 'boon for landlords'
Lack of supply in the commercial property market and increasing occupier demand will result in a gradual strengthening of the landlord's position relative to tenants.
Ale biz a tasty proposition
An established Hawkes Bay niche food and beverage business has been placed on the market for sale.
Waterfront Auckland buzzing over Cup
The prospects for Auckland redeveloping more of its formerly industrial waterfront and the fortunes of many big planned new city projects are being seen as enhanced.
Rare chance to own a piece of hell
Franchise opportunities are now available within existing Hell Pizza restaurant sites along with the potential to develop new sites, says the general manager of Hell, Ben Cumming.
Waterfront plans for possible NZ America's Cup
Waterfront Auckland has already prepared for an New Zealand America's Cup win, having earmarked land on six separate sites for possible syndicate bases.
Rare chance to run a slice of Hell
Franchise opportunities are now available within existing Hell Pizza restaurant sites along with the potential to develop new sites.
K Rd character building to bank on
The two-level 1920s former ANZ Bank building in Karangahape Rd is being marketed for sale with an art gallery occupying the upper floor and vacant modern retail space downstairs.
Countdown for $100m Auckland build begins
A nine-level $100m development will soon rise on a yawning chasm behind Ponsonby Rd in one of the biggest projects by Progressive Enterprises.
Govt moving back to Chch CBD in 2016
Up to 20 government departments will cut short leases for temporary accommodation taken after the Christchurch earthquakes and return to the CBD en masse in 2016.
Fletcher Building tipped to improve profitability
Analysts at two investment specialists have upgraded Fletcher Building's prospects because of recent success.
Hobsonville centre gets go-ahead
Supermarket giant Progressive Enterprises has won the right to build a new West Auckland village centre after an Environment Court battle.
Divisions run deep among tower dwellers
Metropolis apartment owners were at one another's throats on the eve of today's crucial meeting to decide the central Auckland tower's fate.
TVNZ plans makeover after SkyCity sale
TVNZ is planning a major refurbishment using cash from the sale of land for the SkyCity Convention Centre, while returning a smaller dividend to the government.