Motel on market at bargain price
An urgent sale is being sought by the owners of a motel business and property in Rotorua with the asking price slashed by $250,000 below its May 2012 valuation.
An urgent sale is being sought by the owners of a motel business and property in Rotorua with the asking price slashed by $250,000 below its May 2012 valuation.
A New Zealand-controlled retirement village business is expanding its British investments, building a new 115 million London project.
A bankrupt property developer allegedly used fronts and gave false information as part of a $50 million loan scheme, a court has heard.
Bunnings has gone to lengths to make a proposed warehouse store fit into Grey Lynn, changing traditional design, layout and even exterior colour.
Hearings into a controversial Bunnings Warehouse in Auckland's Grey Lynnhave begun, and residents have turned out in force to try to stop it.
Auckland University and Kiwi firm Framecad have worked together on a new flooring system designed to cope better than traditional full concrete flooring in earthquakes.
The second trial of a bankrupt Auckland property developer facing fraud charges over an alleged $50 million loan scam is due to begin this week after the first was aborted.
A controversial Northland luxury housing development on a pristine eastern coastline goes before independent hearing commissioners appointed by Auckland Council on Monday.
When Ken Lotu-Iiga landed in South Auckland as a child from Samoa, he could speak not a word of English.
One of Australasia's biggest infrastructure, resources and roading businesses wants to eliminate fatalities in the year ahead.
Commercial property tenants in Auckland are far more aware and concerned about the ability of the buildings they occupy to withstand earthquakes.
Two Orewa commercial units encompassing five tenancies including a Westpac Bank will go under the hammer this month as part of Bayleys' Greater Auckland auction portfolio.
Auckland's housing supply shortage will continue because the new Unitary Plan has not gone far enough, one expert says.
Fraud accused and failed Crafar farm bidders May Wang and Jack Chen want a two-week hearing in the High Court at Auckland closed to the public.
A high-profile Henderson corner property fronting busy Great North Rd and a quiet suburban street is being offered for sale.
A big piece of Coromandel's finest coastal land viewed as ideal for the development of a retirement village, tourism venture or residential subdivision is being offered for sale.
More than 300 people are working on two rival bids for the country's biggest new roading infrastructure contract, with documents due in early next month.
Central Auckland carparks are on the market for as much as $75,000 - a price one expert says could prove a bit of a bargain in the long run.