Residents appalled at mega-store
Arch Hill residents have been left stunned by yesterday's decision to allow a Bunnings store in their neighbourhood, saying they fear for the future of the area.
Arch Hill residents have been left stunned by yesterday's decision to allow a Bunnings store in their neighbourhood, saying they fear for the future of the area.
A plan to build apartment towers up to 16 levels high around Milford Mall aims to make profit at the suburb's expense, says a lawyer acting for Auckland Council.
A controversial new Bunnings store on Great North Rd in Grey Lynn, Auckland, has been approved.
Listed landlord Goodman Property Trust has provided the first glimpse of Fonterra's new headquarters and announced it will own the building in Auckland's Viaduct area.
Adjoining lots only 10 minutes' drive from Gisborne timber port to be auctioned.
A controversial beach property development at Te Arai Point, north of Auckland, has been approved.
An angry Vital Healthcare Property Trust investor has criticised performance and investment in Australia at New Zealand's expense.
Work starts today on one of Auckland's most controversial sites, as a supermarket giant begins transforming the chasm of Ponsonby's Soho Square.
China's Shanghai CRED Real Estate says it has bought the 1000ha Peppers Carrington golfing resort on the Karikari Peninsula in the Far North from American Paul Kelly.
An Environment Court decision says parties have reached agreement on Summerset Group's planned Hobsonville retirement village on Auckland's north-western outskirts.
Management of five New Zealand hotels will change hands at the start of the next month.
A $4m deal to buy a popular Matakana winery fell through after a syndicate of Chinese buyers failed to get approval from the Overseas Investment Office.