Latest fromCommercial Property

Supermarket cuts waste 67%
A North Island New World has cut its waste from 11 tonnes to 3.6 tonnes a month in the biggest recycling initiative by the country's largest supermarket chain.

Queens Wharf bid buzz goes silent
Amystery bid to build two large commercial buildings on Queens Wharf in exchange for upgrading the downtown ferry facilities appears to be dead in the water.

Driven Aucklanders latch on to capital idea
A new lobby group is being formed to play a role in the development of the Auckland waterfront where public spaces are coming under pressure from private interests.

What to do with the Civic Building?
Auckland Council's Civic Building, which contains asbestos, could become a hotel or apartments and its ground-floor be converted into shops.

Wharf office block wins top property award
A big new Auckland office block, planned and developed during last decade's financial slump, last night picked up the Property Council's supreme award.

Surprise bid for prime CBD parking spot
The operators of Tournament Parking have made a surprise offer of $75 million today to buy the downtown carpark from Auckland Council.

3500 plants creep up street
Building exteriors on Auckland's Federal St are sprouting 3500 plants as the new shared-space street project goes vertical.

Digging deep for rail link project
Auckland Transport is about to begin buying more than 200 subterranean central Auckland properties for the proposed $2.86 billion City Rail Link.

Golden years' industry faces questions
An ageing population has been a bonanza for retirement village companies and their investors, but will the good times go on?

Topshop style for Queen St
New premises for Topshop and Topman in the Q&V Building opposite Whitcoulls in Queen St were leased to the business when the building was sold last year.

Operator for new Cornwall Park cafe
An operator will soon be appointed for the all-new Cornwall Park cafe, which the trust board has spent just under $1 million building.

Skyscraper a step closer
Planning work for New Zealand's tallest new skyscraper is going on behind the scenes.

City's $35m property spending spree
Properties worth $35 million have been bought to secure the route for Auckland's proposed $2.86 billion City Rail Link.