Latest fromCommercial Property

$220m of new work planned
Auckland's rapidly expanding economy has prompted the city's biggest private developer to announce $220 million of new work.

McKenna helps Housing NZ
Former high-flying multibillion-dollar developer Nigel McKenna is working on Auckland's big state house overhaul.

Liu in council face-off
Donghua Liu demolished a stone wall and cut down trees allegedly without permission on land where he plans to build an ambitious housing project in Auckland.

New $220m buildings unveiled (+ pics)
New Zealand's biggest private property developer, Mansons TCLM, is planning three big new Auckland office blocks worth $220 million.

Pregnant and forced to sleep in car
A pregnant woman and her husband had to sleep in their car after an Auckland motor inn said it had no record of their online booking.

Stamford's $10m makeover
Singaporean management chain Stamford Hotels and Resorts is spending $10 million refurbishing its Auckland property in the hotel's most expensive makeover.

Experts fix-up Takapuna's leaky tower
Initial investigations have begun into how to fix one of New Zealand's biggest leaky-building towers.

2016 date for start on NDG skyscraper
Construction work on New Zealand's second-tallest building will start next year.

Ponsonby site moving ahead
Construction of Ponsonby's new $220 million Vinegar Lane and Cider Building projects is well under way.