Why we need a monster mall
A lack of shops in Auckland's growing and affluent north west is behind the push to build a big new mall.
A lack of shops in Auckland's growing and affluent north west is behind the push to build a big new mall.
US concert giant Live Nation has asked for permission to buy the management company of Vector Arena - which could mean more big concerts.
Auckland's newest mall is a third of a kilometre long and at 2.7ha, will be the size of four rugby fields.
New Zealand's newest beachside golf course is to open on October 1 with membership by invitation only and fees in the tens of thousands.
A major roadblock has been unblocked after the Environment Court refused to rule in favour of a powerful landlord.
Publicly-owned Waterfront Auckland has won $10m from oil giant Mobil to pay for a cleanup of part of the Wynyard Quarter.
"Over time" and "over budget" are two phrases well known in construction, so a couple of industry veterans have created a solution they believe has global potential.
Fletcher boss Mark Adamson says the company is dealing with legacy issues - and this is the 'dark before the dawn.'
Fletcher Building's June 2015 annual result out today showed revenue climbed 3 per cent but net earnings fell 20 per cent.
Profit fell to $270 million in the year ended June 30, from $339 million a year earlier, the company said.
Genuine world-class cities venerate heritage. Unless we get real about protecting our heritage, Auckland is in danger of becoming a fake, writes Elizabeth Aitken-Rose.
Consent is being sought for the first tower to rise above the North Shore's Milford Centre where units will sell from $1 million-plus.
Residents at Warkworth's Summerset Falls retirement village have complained about delays to a recreation centre expansion.