Latest fromCommercial Property
Firm for landlords with a conscience
Social service agencies are setting up an "ethical" property management company for landlords with a conscience.
Selling luxury - Jim Rohrstaff
Jim Rohrstaff of Auckland's Legacy Partners discusses the new boutique real estate agency he works at,which is marketing some of the country's most luxurious new resorts and estates. Tara Iti Golf Club just over an hour north of Auckland has been a big focus since he arrived here last year with his family.
Editorial: NZ will need a new deal for rental homes
A conference of property investors in Auckland this weekend is liable to hear some tough talking about rental houses.
Meet the man who sells high-end golf properties
Expat American working on a property development that just happens to include an exclusive golf course.
Chinese firm cans $42m deal
Local councillor says Chinese company's decision to pull out of a $42m farm purchase because of bureaucratic hurdles is a "slap in the face".
$18m landlord: Don't be too kind
Landlords back Auckland investor who has 37 properties and says tenants take advantage of him.
Descendants lose waterfront land claim
Families claiming rights to 70ha of waterfront West Auckland land have lost their case in the Court of Appeal - a win for the Auckland Council.
Tainui offers stake in mega-mall
Tainui Group Holdings is selling a half-share of the country's largest single retail and entertainment destination, The Base.
TPP fine print needed on land sales
Will the TPP prevent the Government from banning sales of houses or land to foreigners?
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre coming to Auckland
A full-scale temporary replica of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre is being built in downtown Auckland.
Are they worth saving?
They're buildings and houses which help tell the story of Auckland - but how many will survive a planning rulebook designed to squeeze more people in?
Mobil tank farm fight heads to Supreme Court
Mobil is taking its $10m tank farm pollution fight all the way to the Supreme Court.