Latest fromCommercial Property

Tower rising above net threat
Internet shopping's power has not hurt NZX-listed Precinct Properties' ambitious plans for its $550 million, 38-level Downtown tower.

$70m Te Atatu land claim fight
Wrangle over waterfront land on Auckland peninsula may be heading to the Supreme Court.

NZ's $550m skyscraper ready for action
Developers of Auckland's tallest and most striking new office tower have told investors that plans are advancing well.

Fletcher shareholders get chipper outlook
Fletcher Building shareholders have been given a rosy outlook at their annual meeting today, with strong conditions in the construction market tipped to continue.

Housing protestors greet Fletcher's AGM
Protestors are gathered outside Fletcher Building's annual meeting, opposing its housing plans for the Ihumatao area near Auckland International Airport.

Ngati Whatua transforms loss to profit
Ngati Whatua Orakei Whai Rawa turned around from a loss last year of $304,773 to $2.2 million profit in the latest period.

Inside Story: Property managers a risk, say critics
Who's managing our largely unregulated residential property managers?

Capital gains tax for investment properties
The requirement for capital gains tax to be paid on investment properties bought and sold within two years has passed into law.

Controversial land swap approved
A controversial land swap for a housing project at Three Kings Quarry has been approved by Auckland councillors today.

Fran O'Sullivan: Lochinver about-face needs explaining
After saying it would not put property back on the market, Stevenson has now sold it.