Revealed: 16 blocks shut by quake
New report out on Wellington CBD buildings damaged by last month's earthquake reveals who is worst affected and which buildings are shut.
New report out on Wellington CBD buildings damaged by last month's earthquake reveals who is worst affected and which buildings are shut.
Two commercial units are for sale in the Wairau Valley on Auckland's North Shore in separate sales by two different vendors but with
Ryman plans to build a non-complying project on a greenfields ex-navy site in Devonport.
The Auckland property market appears to be "turning" after seven years of constant price rises, says the city's biggest real estate agency.
These young people have made it big by investing in property - and they have some advice for their fellow millennials.
A strategically-located Auckland commercial property which has been owned by the same family for over 19 years is now on the market.
The commercial property market continues its strong performance
One of Northland's most popular tourist attractions - Gumdigger's Park on the Awanui Peninsula - is for sale.
For rock-and-pop fans of a certain age, New Zealand's live music venues were the perfect "slice of heaven".
A former dairy farm beside one of the North Island's biggest industrial-grade recycling plants is now for sale.
Leasing and selling has begun for Kaukapakapa Village Centre, a mixed use development 40 minutes north-west of the Auckland CBD.
Augusta Capital has been granted a date in February next year for its High Court proceedings.
Mortgage brokers have joined the call for the government to decline the Reserve Bank's request to introduce debt-to-income limits for mortgage lending.
NZX listed landlord Augusta Capital has complained that fellow listed landlord NPT is delaying a meeting but NPT says they're playing a "fast game".
The identity of the buyer who paid almost double the capital value of a former service station in downtown Auckland has been revealed.
Inquiries are expected from buyers with an eye for the site's potential future value, given its prime waterfront location in a wealthy
The Reserve Bank has asked the Government for powers to limit mortgage lending to people who do not earn enough,
If you're after a bit of property porn, feast your eyes on Australia's most lavish dream homes.
Pacific Property Fund Limited, an investment portfolio managed by Property Managers Group, is to acquire its first property in Whangarei
Bayleys North Shore Commercial has reported property sales and leasing transactions up 55 per cent in October from the same month
$24.5m Takapuna sale A fully-leased, four-level office building on a 2587sq m site with future development potential at 519-521 Lake
Mana Lodge, the homestead where Sir Paul and Lady Deborah Holmes lived, has sold to a New Zealand buyer.
The number of million-dollar homes sold in the region this year has reached an all-time high.
A Fanshawe St property in Auckland's CBD sold for $10m more than its rating valuation
Precinct Properties buying Queen Elizabeth Square, after court action against it and others failed
Retail spaces are still available to buy or lease in the new Ramada Suites Albany development, which is well on its way to completion.
University is divesting of its surplus land, reports Colin Taylor
A hotel, bar and restaurant for sale in lakeside Mangakino has prime access to one the country's most popular cycle tracks, say brokers.
A large Mt Albert property encompassing 1829sq m of land which has been used as a hospital and care facility since the 1950s is up for sale.
The commercial and industrial property sector looks set for a strong finish to what will be a record year says John Church, Bayleys' national director commercial.