Latest fromCoal

Pike River body retrieval 'years away'
While Grey District Mayor Tony Kokshoorn seeks to secure funds for the retrieval of the bodies of the 29 men killed in the Pike River mine disaster, receivers say it will be two to four years before the bodies could be recovered.

Pike River inquiry - the story so far
After months of evidence at the Pike River inquiry, the hearing has concentrated on four areas of concern behind the scenes at the doomed mine.

Infographic: SOEs on the block
The incoming National Government says it will sell partial stakes in state owned enterprises. See what's on offer in this Herald graphic.

Pike River inquiry: Inspectors 'hung out to dry'
The father of one of the Pike River victims has stood up for a mine inspector being 'hammered' at the inquiry into the disaster.

Solid Energy unveils new West Coast mine plan
Solid Energy has announced plans for a new underground and open-cast coal mine employing up to 150 people on the South Island's West Coast.