Pike mine: 'We had time to run like hell'
A Westport man has told how he and three others ran for their lives when the Pike River Coal mine exploded at 2.37pm on Wednesday.
A Westport man has told how he and three others ran for their lives when the Pike River Coal mine exploded at 2.37pm on Wednesday.
As the West Coast struggles with the emotional cost of the Pike River tragedy, chairman John Dow has reassured the community there is still a future for the mine and the company.
It is likely to be several more days before operations will start to stabilise the Pike River mine so that the bodies of 29 men can recovered, police say.
The GAG unit flown for the Pike River coal mine recovery effort is 'no gimmick' and has been used successfully in Queensland mines, the head of an Australian miners' union says.
NZ Oil & Gas has today provided the balance of a $25 million short term funding facility to Pike River Coal.
International experts say they are shocked a mining disaster the magnitude of the Pike River tragedy occurred in a modern mine.
Mines Rescue workers who wanted to save 29 men trapped underground in the Pike River coal mine remain united in their desire to get their brothers back, their leader says.
A large jet engine which stabilises gases may be used to quench the fire in the Pike River coal mine so that rescuers can safely recover the bodies of 29 men inside.
Police Commissioner Howard Broad today praised the work of Superintendent Gary Knowles, the police officer who led the mission to rescue 29 miners.
While refusing to focus on the Pike River mine's future today, CEO Peter Whittall did reveal it's future worth.
Pike River CEO Peter Whittall expressed his regret today at how he initially delivered his news to the families of the 29 miners lost in the disaster.
Pike River Coal's board is to meet tomorrow to talk about options for the company's future.
Pike River Coal says all its staff are being kept on full pay, with some being reassigned to jobs including helping out at the mine site
The only sign that the Pike River boss is feeling the strain are the dark bags under his eyes which sag lower by the day.
Pike River Coal says work on evaluating the impact on its West Coast mine of Friday's explosion is "down the line", as it focuses for now on finding the 29 men unaccounted for.
The day before he went down the mine for the first time, Joseph Dunbar turned 17.
The family of Aussie miner Willy Joynson is clinging to hope the father of two is still alive.