Latest fromCoal

Clean energy: A faded shade of green
At the start of this century, clean energy was all the rage. The revolution may still be happening, but it's taking its time, reports Peter Huck.

Police accused of endangering potential Pike River survivors
Police could have sealed the Pike River mine and saved any potential survivors...

'Obvious' lack of safety measures
Pike River coal boss Peter Whittall says his company has been vindicated by the Royal Commission into 29 miners deaths, but a spokesman for the families says it's obvious there was a lack of safety measures in place.

Mine rival criticises Pike River safety
Blast shouldn't have happened in a modern mine, says Solid Energy chief.

Keys says ETS in good shape
Prime Minister John Key has defended New Zealand's emissions trading scheme amid criticism it is soft compared with a new Australian scheme.

Life getting harder for many despite mining boom
If you're in the right place and the right job Australia is still the lucky country ... but for many struggle street is just around the corner.

51 minute delay to raise alarm after blast - contractors
The Pike River Coal mine company took 51 minutes to contact emergency services....