US withdraws from climate change deal
US President Donald Trump announces US pulls out of climate change accord.
US President Donald Trump announces US pulls out of climate change accord.
COMMENT: Nothing clouds our future like climatic change.
Trump is expected to ignore Elon Musk's advice to stick with the Paris Accord.
By next week, an iceberg the size of the Auckland region could break free.
Scientists have concluded that the Great Barrier Reef can no longer be saved.
Students demand vice-chancellor make a stand against the uni investing in fossil fuels.
COMMENT: In summation, it's a dud. It's squarely aimed at the looming election.
Five leading figures in the science sector share their views on Budget 2017.
Budget allocation "scratches the surface" of what's needed for climate target, group says.
Do we need a Hippocratic Oath to better protect our oceans? Two experts explain.
Green groups want to see a big boost in DoC's core biodiversity budget this Thursday.
The climate in tropical regions could become unrecognisable by the end of this century.
Some coastal communities may have to be pulled back in the face of sea level rise.
Startling evidence shows that yellow-eyed penguins face extinction from mainland NZ.
National icon headed for extinction on mainland- unless we act now.
It's to bring supercharged heatwaves and extreme weather events for up to a decade.
Christchurch students travel the distance of a trip to the moon to get to top schools.
Professor Stephen Hawking has made an ominous warning to the human race.
Food crises are erupting across Africa and there is no money to fight it.
This climate march marks President Donald Trump's first 100 days in office.
Climate change could make thousands of Kiwi homes uninsurable by private companies.
Most kits lacked basic items and were pricier than making your own, the watchdog found.
Planting more native forest could be a cash-saver for big-emitting companies, report says.
Well-known Kiwi scientists discuss why they'll be out marching this Saturday.
NZ-US areas of co-operation include climate change, fisheries and humanitarian aid.
Auckland Council has voted to pull funding from gas, oil and coal companies.
Five findings from a new independent stocktake of the state of our lakes and rivers.
The Executive Director of Greenpeace New Zealand puts his body on the line to stop climate change.
New Zealand was a decade behind countries like the UK.