NZ study re-piecing prehistoric global warming
Understanding prehistoric global warming events could tell us much about Earth's future.
Understanding prehistoric global warming events could tell us much about Earth's future.
COMMENT: Climate change has begun and we hardly remember the storms.
COMMENT: There is at least one thing we can all do - modify the way we eat.
COMMENT: Climate change will displace millions in coming decades.
A response to Mike Hosking, who said the climate change commission will achieve nothing.
NZ-led expedition investigates how warming oceans could erode huge ice sheet.
Govt says public consultation is the first step to a 30-year pathway to net zero emissions
Jacinda Ardern and James Shaw announce formulation of the Zero Carbon Act and an independent climate change commission.
Projections are under-estimating global warming, writes climate scientist Dr Jim Salinger.
NZ doesn't have a co-ordinated plan to adapt to future climate change, Govt report finds.
New Zealand's glaciers have shrunk in area by one third since over the past four decades.
2017 will be a record year for extreme weather events, following fires, floods and storms.
Climate Change Minister James Shaw to release Govt guidance on coastal hazards on Friday.
Experts say humans have hit the limit for height, lifespan and physical performance.
COMMENT: A week of scorching summer weather already has economists worried about drought.
"Soul-crushing" footage has emerged of a starving wild polar bear searching for food.
Briefings: NZ needs to take hold of "window of opportunity" created by Paris Agreement.
Insurance companies have faced record payouts for weather-related damage across NZ.
Closer to home Ardern would to do well to reflect on that.
Ardern used her global TV moment to call for politics to be taken out of climate change.
In his final episode, the true scale of man's impact on the planet is laid bare.
Campaign brings together climate change activists and experts from around the world.
Rapid warming of the ocean near Tasmania a sign of things to come under climate change.
The nominees for the NZ Herald New Zealander of the Year People's Choice award are...
COMMENT: In fighting emissions, should agriculture get a better deal than others?
Ardern refused to back down on Manus Island, saying she had to do what was right.
Jacinda Ardern reflects on Apec in Vietnam and the East Asia Summit in Manila.
OPINION: Climate change is likely the biggest threat to national security we face.
Climate conference focuses on threat of rising seas to low-lying Pacific nations.