Billy Adams: Regarding that climate flip-flop
Weapons of mass destruction are hard to find. The American and Australian Governments know a thing or two about that.
Weapons of mass destruction are hard to find. The American and Australian Governments know a thing or two about that.
The standard climate change predictions said people in the tropics and the sub-tropics would be badly hurt by global warming.
The news broke this week: "Pacific winds 'pause' global warming". The story is that big winds have blown the warming that was predicted into the ocean.
Campaigners are out to hit the fossil fuel industry where it hurts, by making it an unacceptable place to invest. Peter Huck reports
Prince Charles has linked the flooding in England's Somerset Levels with climate change.
Tony Abbott's administration has been accused of being the most conservation-hostile in living memory.
A number of floating ice shelves in Antarctica are at risk of disappearing entirely in the next 200 years, as global warming reduces their snow cover, a new study has found.
Last year was one of the most expensive years ever for storm damage, with $174m of insurance claims lodged for weather-related events.
Hamburg, Germany’s second largest city, is planning to ban all cars from its centre over the next 20 years and put thousands of commuters on bikes.
Residents in South Australia are enduring temperatures of more than 40 degrees this week. The Conversation explains what's behind the extreme heat.
A controversial proposal to cool the planet artificially by injecting tiny reflective particles into the upper atmosphere which block out sunlight would cause droughts and climate chaos.
Experts have delivered a dire warning that rising sea levels will put some suburban areas of coastal Christchurch under water within 100 years.
Last year was New Zealand's second warmest on record and more above-average temperatures are in store this year, says climate scientist Dr Jim Salinger.
Isn't global warming melting the ice and flooding the coast? Al Gore certainly says so. And yet here were climate scientists imperilled in sea ice.
New research into cloud processes shows that our climate is more sensitive to carbon dioxide than previously recognised.
Five years ago this month, Gore predicted that the "entire North Polar ice cap will be gone in five years". But five years on, the North and South Poles are still capped in ice.
The facts around rising sea levels are widely misunderstood or misinterpreted.
"Superstorm" Sandy was incredibly huge - the largest Atlantic hurricane on record with hurricane-force winds more than 1500km across at its widest point.
The story from NZ that received the most international play this week was: NZ rejects climate change refugee. Kooky. But his effort to gain asylum here because of the impact of climate change in Kiribati is more a harbinger than an oddity.
Greens co-leader Russel Norman is facing a challenge for the party leadership from a low-ranking Greens candidate.
A Kiribati man's bid to become the world's first climate change refugee in New Zealand has been rejected for a third time.
A scientific project to collect layers of sediment dating back to the end of the last Ice Age from the bottom of Lake Ohau has been granted more than $750,000 to create the most detailed climate study of South Island weather yet tackled.
Deadlock broken after China and India object to the word `commitments' in standoff with developed nation.
An old rift between rich and poor has reopened in UN climate talks as developing countries look for ways to make developed countries accept responsibility for global warming - and pay for it.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has urged governments to put forth more ambitious plans to cut carbon emissions, saying "current pledges are simply inadequate".
Russel Norman was heckled in Parliament this week when he used the opportunity to express NZ's sympathy for the Philippines to deliver a harangue on the perils of climate change.