Latest fromClean
How to stack your fridge and make food last longer
You might be reducing the shelf life of your bagged salads and soft fruit unintentionally.
Help! How can I get rid of the mould in my house?
Mould can easily get a grip on your home, which can have serious repercussions.
How to get your child to tidy up without a fight
Cleaning up can be a time for connection instead of fighting.
Secret life of a housekeeper: 'My wealthiest clients are the stingiest'
Looking after the wealthy: Navigating nightmare to-do lists and mediocre salaries.
Why have we started outsourcing (almost) everything?
Getting outside help with domestic tasks can help lighten the mental load.
Persistent dumping on Mt Ngongotahā in Rotorua
Be a Tidy Kiwi's new ambassador Kiri Danielle has been cleaning up the maunga for 12 years.
How often you should actually wash your clothes, bedding and everything else
Are you washing too much, too little or just often enough?
How do I clean a flat-screen TV?
Here's a guide you can follow to avoid damaging your TV screen.
Editorial: Tension between environment and economic development looms
OPINION: 'We've got unavoidable trade-offs to make,' says Shane Jones.
How often should you wash your sheets and towels?
Everyone has a different opinion on how often both should be washed.
Eat or clean with it: Five surprising uses for your Christmas tree
Before you chuck it outside, here are some more innovative ideas for your ailing tree.
How to remove mildew without using chemicals
Solve your mildew woes with the most basic ingredients.
Four ways to rein in clutter and stay tidy
What are the best strategies for creating and maintaining order?
Step away from my stove: Why midlifers can’t control their kitchen rage
Culinary spats are all too real. Here are the bugbears that tip us over.
Turnaround sees Awanui named Most Beautiful Tiny Town
Awanui's huge efforts to revitalise itself have paid off.
Should you be showering before sex?
Amid Europe's bedbug infestation, should we freshen up before getting under the covers?
Four ways to rein in clutter and stay tidy
What are the best strategies for creating and maintaining order?
How to declutter when you really don’t want to
It's time to stop making excuses and take action.
‘Lazy’ air fryer cleaning hack taking over TikTok
A TikTok user shares her ‘lazy girl’ hack to get your air fryer spick and span.
Cleaned out: Couple's van stolen as they worked in central city
Commercial cleaning van stolen while cleaners were at work