Air NZ passenger alleges crew member was caught 'vaping' on plane
'If a member of the public was caught vaping, they’d be met by police'.
'If a member of the public was caught vaping, they’d be met by police'.
The victim died after a mid-air collision with another jumper.
Incident happened just days before Gold Coast tragedy that claimed four lives.
It took the victim complaining to the CAA before attacker ended up in court.
The pilot felt the plane rocking, then saw a man on the wing before the blows rained down.
'Every day, when I wake up, I think about what could have been...this has ruined my life.'
All crew will get this additional benefit to improve safety.
"It's time airlines lift their game"
The CAA says investigators have reviewed 'additional information' about the accident.
The bill is quietly heading for its second reading but means big things for travellers.
Staff member previously censured for 'cavalier' behaviour after earlier death.
Coroner urges helicopter pilots to be conservative when facing challenging weather.
Coroner also calls for black boxes to become mandatory for all helicopters.
The pilot wants the informant who made the false complaints ousted so he can sue them.
Graham Lindsay has finally received an apology from the CAA and is pursuing compensation.
Bride injured in helicopter crash on the way to her wedding photo shoot speaks a year on.
CAA admits is yet to begin work on a key safety recommendation following Nii's death.
After 16 years, liquid restrictions for carry-on bags could be a thing of the past.
Recommendations to make skydiving near water safer have yet to be signed as priority.
Parachuting industry plans to assess what is behind any cultural change.
Angry friend and fellow skydivers list string of concerns after Sarah-Jane Bayram's death.
Big Read: There are calls for a high-level probe after Sarah-Jane Bayram's death.
"I have reached that conclusion despite my finding that he did undertake risky behaviour."
Flesh-eating bug cost Ross Millichamp his legs, Kurt Bayer reports.
'It's a paradise and unfortunately in this situation it was tragedy in paradise.'
Ceremony an opportunity for the rescuers to meet members of the skydiving community.
Fancy waiting for your flight while sunbathing beside a pool? At this hotel, you can.
Other gliders in the air at the time of the crash alerted emergency services.
Pilot who got engaged on Christmas Day is recovering in hospital after a horror accident.
Transport officials are worried the aviation sector will not be able to keep up