Claire Trevett: Luxon looks for the mojo - so does Hipkins
OPINION Luxon's attempt to channel John Key's optimism came a bit asunder.
OPINION Luxon's attempt to channel John Key's optimism came a bit asunder.
OPINION: National leader should spend time in NZ's not wet, not whiny capital.
The Leader of the Opposition called New Zealand a negative, wet, whiny country.
Chris Hipkins still well ahead of rival Christopher Luxon in favourability stakes.
National’s deputy leader says he was joking
OPINION Whatever increases the chances you’ll vote for him, Luxon is happy to oblige.
OPINION: Politicians broadly fall into one of two categories.
The language used for safety signs like stop or give way signs will not be changed.
OPINION: Luxon's impossible task: To win floating voters in the middle and on the right.
National using AI to create impression it is looking out for Pacific people.
OPINION: Luxon is seen as lacking authenticity, being out of touch, prone to mistakes.
The National Party leader has backtracked on housing policy.
Labour, meanwhile, said it hadn’t used AI in any adverts and didn’t intend to.
The National leader wanted to see more fiscal responsibility.
Hipkins was in a chipper mood at his weekly post-Cabinet press conference.
Christopher Luxon will outline his vision for the Budget.
Rawiri Waititi calls out Chris Luxon but won't be calling him on the phone.
National selecting white men with what I describe as repulsive views is a repeat offence.
The most likely form of government is the one that's off the table.
OPINION: Luxon's call on Te Pāti Māori was naked politics, aimed at damaging Labour.
Luxon says the gap between the two parties is too big.
The National leader posted the invite in the Facebook group Kiwis in London.
It is one of a range of measures National has released today to address worker shortages.
The worlds of politics and money often intertwine.
OPINION: MPs who come from business usually take six years to adjust to politics.
His actions haven't been supportive of women, Māori or queer people.
Confusion over tax policies has skewered Labour before - they risk it doing so again.
Chris Luxon's policy overhauls many of Labour's rules on the environment and immigration.
Three Waters is dead - long live Affordable Water Reform.
Te Pāti Māori once again hold the balance of power.