Canterbury panther: Is the mysterious big cat on the move?
Family's backyard shock: "Dad, that cat's massive"
Family's backyard shock: "Dad, that cat's massive"
Councillors argue that they are supporting 'really, really important work'
Seven women at Christchurch Women's Prison were tested for Covid-19 on Wednesday.
The grant will come from the council's Metropolitan Discretionary Response Fund.
"The Pool" is an installation from artist Natalie Guy.
There was a flurry of activity on the site today.
The incident happened off the Kaikoura peninsula
It placed first out of the region's entries and third nationwide.
A groomsman at David Bain's wedding, Paul Tainui was carrying knives in his car.
The ambulances will be used for pre-planned patient transfers.
There had been 23 cases of the potentially fatal disease already this year in Canterbury.
The centre was granted a lease to be built at the city council's Nga Puna Wai hub.
She joined Canterbury Mornings with Chris Lynch on Newstalk ZB.
Work to stabilise the structure is now under way.
The Christchurch City Council has been carrying out checks on the contents of the bins.
The last fire happened near Landfill Ave at about 5.15pm on Monday.
Temperatures could climb to 27 degrees by Sunday.
Valerie Adams' coach Scott Goodman reveals why the pair are parting ways.
Police are looking at how a person came to die in an incident involving a boat.
A review will start into the bylaw which has been in place since 2015.
A total of 18 from the group have tested positive.
Police were called to the Rolleston scene at about 1:20am.
Bruce Ansley's new book takes him to the South Island in search of the Alpine Fault.
NIWA's latest hotspot report showed the driest soils in the South Island.
Christchurch has had the highest increase in over 50's signing up to work in hospitality.
Residents are being asked to share their views on a draft plan to reduce the speed limits.
$5 million has been funded for the project by Environment Canterbury.
The crewmen have tested positive for Covid-19 just days after arriving in New Zealand.
After the mosque shootings, the $49 billion fund pressured social media platforms.