Latest fromChristchurch earthquake
15 more earthquake victims named
Police have today released 15 further names of victims from last month's Christchurch earthquake. The toll from the deadly 6.3 quake that hit on February 22 is currently 166.
<i>Paul Harper:</i> CBD tour 'hits you hard'
Paul Harper gets his first look inside Christchurch's stricken CBD - and is shocked by what he sees.
Inside Christchurch's stricken CBD
Devastation revealed during a police escorted tour of earthquake-damaged landmarks in Christchurch.
Treasury: Rebuild to cost up to $15b
The Christchurch earthquake will knock gross domestic product growth back by 1.5 percentage points this year, but Treasury predicts a silver lining with 2012 bringing a sizeable boost to residential, commercial and infrastructure investment
Residents warned not to take risks within cordon
Residents allowed into parts of Christchurch's central business district cordon today are being warned not to enter yellow-stickered buildings.
Recovery efforts at CTV building end
Recovery efforts at the Canterbury TV building have officially ended, with no further positive identifications. Usar workers have sifted through every piece of debris and are satisfied nothing more can be done, the Fire Service says.
On the ground in Christchurch: 'We need help'
People in Christchurch's neglected eastern suburbs tell us what they most need after the earthquake.
Praise for community's fortitude
Residents of the eastern suburbs of Christchurch have been praised for the fortitude their community has shown following the February 22 earthquake.
Quake sees businesswoman back in primary carer role
Owner of public relations company Communicate IT Shelley Grell has found the February quake has uncovered a fault of another sort altogether.
Christchurch earthquake: Agonising wait continues
The body of Janet Meller has probably been lying in the morgue at Burnham for 11 days - but her partner doesn't know for sure.
Strangers brought together by quake stories
People listen to each other over and over as they recall the stories of escape, of bravery, of fear.
Christchurch earthquake: Naming the dead is the hardest job
Of all the emergency workers in Christchurch, these 16 police staff may have the worst job of all: identifying the broken bodies of the dead.
TV psychic warns earthquake survivors
Television psychic Deb Webber claims she predicted the Christchurch earthquake - and says it won't be the last of the devastation.
Christchurch earthquake: Discordant voice among ruins
Labour MP Lianne Dalziel's is a discordant voice at a time when few dare criticise the emergency response.
Christchurch earthquake: From tragedy, a chance to start afresh
Out of the rubble of one of NZ's greatest tragedies could come one of the world's most celebrated cities if we get Christchurch's rebuild right.
Christchurch earthquake: Strength to lead city in the eye of a storm
Sometimes, the Christchurch mayoress confides, the Parkers go home to their darkened house to hide from their fears.