Latest fromChristchurch earthquake
Quake inquests to be held as soon as possible
Further inquests into the deaths of people killed in the Christchurch quake will take place next month.
Valeri Volnov
Valeri Volnov, a Russian with New Zealand residency, was an IT systems operator at Canterbury Television, which was based in the CTV building.
<i>Gill South</i>: Powers of Superman needed to rebuild a shattered city
Christchurch recovery is a job that called for a top CEO.
Your Business: Quake-hit Starfish gets given a lifeline
Fashion company Starfish lost a third of its business when the Christchurch earthquake struck.
Card use tells tale of exodus
The exodus of residents after February's quake has been mapped out in detail for the first time.
Cities look to Christchurch for earthquake lessons
The February earthquake in Christchurch lays bare the complacency which surrounds our risk-management of older buildings.
AMI one of three 'teetering' insurers
The failed Western Pacific insurance firm asked the Govt for a $5 million guarantee, two days after AMI approached...
AMI lays out recapitalisation plan
AMI Insurance says it has begun the process of recapitalising the company, which is in line for a Government bailout.