Liquefaction did more damage than shaking
Liquefaction did more damage to underground pipes than ground movement in the Christchurch earthquakes, a University of Canterbury study has found.
Liquefaction did more damage to underground pipes than ground movement in the Christchurch earthquakes, a University of Canterbury study has found.
A coroner's inquest today heard from a senior search and rescue expert who described the "chaos" at the disaster site when he arrived two hours after the building's collapse.
The inquest into the CTV deaths has heard of frustrations caused by delays and chaos in the hours after the catastrophe.
More harrowing testimony is expected as a coroner's inquest into the deaths of eight CTV building victims continues today.
The police officer left in charge of the Christchurch earthquake's biggest disaster zone said he became "frustrated" at being ordered off the site as he tried to rescue survivors.
Police today admitted the February 22 earthquake disaster in Christchurch "overwhelmed" their communication system.
Mark Quigley asks: Do scientists have a right to be wrong? Does state-of-the-art science really enable us to speak confidentially about "low-probability" events?
Christchurch's determination to rise from the rubble has been richly rewarded with a spot in Lonely Planet's top 10 cities worldwide to visit in 2013.
Increased alcohol consumption and higher levels of depression, stress and anxiety have been linked to residents living in some areas of quake-hit Christchurch.
Fire chiefs failed to cope with the February 22 earthquake response, according to a scathing report out today which criticised them for being disorganised.
The Canterbury earthquakes were a chance for many to break out of their mundane existences, a researcher has found.
Cutting-edge quake engineering technology emanating out of post-disaster Christchurch is being ignored by some owners in their haste to erect new buildings, says expert.
Christchurch landlords are cashing in on the earthquakes by putting up rents by as much as $250 a week - even for rundown bungalows.
Cantabrians are setting their sights on Hamilton's housing market as they look to spend their newly received insurance payouts from damaged properties.
A Christchurch company has found the devastating earthquakes a boon for investment for hosted cloud services.
Emergency services responded rapidly and worked well together during the February 22 earthquake in Christchurch last year, an independent review has concluded.
City councillors who fought to save the historic Cranmer Court in Christchurch from demolition have conceded defeat, saying the cost of restoration was just too much.
The Ministry of Education has acknowledged there are mistakes in the data behind the Government's shake-up of Canterbury schools.
Quake-stressed Christchurch school children are being given free scenic flights above their decimated neighbourhoods to help take their minds off everyday worries.