How convention centre deal went pear-shaped
Official documents have revealed for the first time what contributed to the convention centre deal between the Government and Plenary Conventions NZ.
Official documents have revealed for the first time what contributed to the convention centre deal between the Government and Plenary Conventions NZ.
As consultation opens on an oil and gas drilling plan, some city councillors are now questioning if the Government will listen to what they say.
The city council is busy negotiating with an insurer again - this time over the town hall.
A revised plan to retain vehicle access on Victoria St has jumped its first hurdle, in spite of a petition pushing to make the area car-free.
Contractors have today started digging up the site of the Canterbury Television building as part of the ongoing police probe to see if anyone is criminally liable for the disaster.
City council is defending it's decision to renegotiate spending on anchor projects, in spite of being warned it's "repeating the mistakes of the past".
Veteran activist John Minto has put up his hand to run against Lianne Dalziel for the Christchurch mayoralty.
The Christchurch city council is facing a multi-billion dollar problem as it tries to find an insurer and options to cover the network of underground pipes.
A trial to install a security camera in a residential Christchurch suburb to deter sex workers from plying their trade has been extended.
Cathedral can be safely rebuilt, though it remains unclear if the project will go ahead.
Net profit rose to $37.8 million in the 12 months ended June 30, from $15.7 million a year earlier.
Fletcher Building subsidiary Fletcher Living has just won a huge Government contract to build 191 new Christchurch houses.
Christchurch City Council is seeking independent financial advice on a proposal to sell key assets to pay for the city rebuild.
The Canterbury Earthquake Memorial will provide a place to reflect on the events that changed Canterbury forever, paying respect to the 85 people who lost their lives on 22 February 2011. It will acknowledge the shared trauma and huge support received with the recovery operation that followed.
Christchurch City Council has won back its accreditation as a building consent authority almost 18 months after it was stripped for holding up the earthquake-hit region's rebuild.
Christchurch City Council has revealed it faces a funding black hole of up to $900 million to help rebuild the earthquake-wrecked city. So does that mean asset sales?
Video for Christchurch City Council Feature Profile
It's been attributed to silage and cat poop - but no one is any closer to identifying the real source of Christchurch's mystery stink.
New Christchurch mayor Lianne Dalziel is calling for an independent audit of the city's books.
The earthquake-damaged Christchurch Town Hall has been saved after city councillors unanimously voted in favour of a $127.5 million full restoration plan today.
A restoration plan to save the earthquake-damaged Christchurch Town Hall has been hailed as a "masterpiece" by the internationally acclaimed building's architect.
Under-fire Christchurch City Council chief executive Tony Marryatt will remain on special leave while an independent investigation is carried out into his actions.