Latest fromChina
China Business 2012: Government backing the key for kiwifruit firm
GlobalHort finds the Chinese experience an agreeable and rewarding one.
City state will remain testing ground for mainland reforms
The Hong Kong Government forged a Closer Economic Partnership agreement (CEPA) because it admired New Zealand's free trade credentials.
China Business 2012: Clearing the path for cleantech
Securing even a small slice of China's cleantech future will be a boon for Kiwi companies writes Ellen Read
China Business 2012: Tax incentives make it easier to be green
China, as the world's biggest energy consumer, has set itself a goal of generating 15 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020.
China Business 2012: 'Real camaraderie' in joint venture dairy project
Former National Finance Minister Ruth Richardson is one of a select number of Kiwis to sit on the board of a Chinese-controlled NZ-based company.
Cloud computing - time to get on with it?
The cloud is here and organisations should "get over it and get on with it".
China: Highs and lows in a desert winery
A remote and harsh area of China produces some liquid surprises for Jim Eagles.
World shares down as China eases growth outlook
Equities on Wall Street and in Europe fell amid signs from China and Europe that the economic outlook is dimming.
O Brother, art thou? The story of Rob Hamill
Peter Calder on the documentary of Rob Hamill's solemn journey to Cambodia where his brother was killed by the Khmer Rouge.