China plans to bore tunnel under Everest
It may be the world's tallest mountain to climb, but now China has set itself an even greater Mt Everest challenge: attempting to bore a tunnel straight through it.
It may be the world's tallest mountain to climb, but now China has set itself an even greater Mt Everest challenge: attempting to bore a tunnel straight through it.
Fran O'Sullivan on governor Lu Hao - widely tipped to be a major player in Beijing's "next generation" leadership - who was in NZ yesterday.
For the second time in days, a particularly amorous male panda in China has smashed the record for longest mating session, zookeepers say.
Finance Minister Bill English says New Zealand and Singapore have been at the forefront of negotiations with the Chinese Government over the governance of the proposed Asia Infrastructure Investment....
Blair Haeata says his Maori heritage has helped him fit into marketing roles at a number of Chinese businesses, including his latest job at China Southern Airlines.
Business editor Liam Dann is heading to China to look at China's slowing economic growth and how it will affect NZ.
Chaos theory calls it the butterfly effect. It's the idea that a butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon could cause a tornado in Texas, Bernard Hickey writes.
Competition for air travel between New Zealand and China is set to intensify with plans by Air China to fly daily direct flights between Auckland and Beijing this year.
China has placed on the record - ever so diplomatically - its displeasure at the latest Edward Snowden revelations, Fran O' Sullivan writes.
China Southern Airlines' growth has been spectacular since its entry into the New Zealand market in 2011, Grant Bradely writes.
As China's economy has rapidly expanded over the past couple of decades, the Asian superpower's commercial giants have spread their wings and gone out into the world.
China is importing more and more of its agricultural commodities from the United States.
The virus causing a second wave of bird flu across China has mutated frequently and "should be considered as a major candidate to emerge as a pandemic strain in humans".
Fallout from this week's baby formula contamination threat weighed heavily on the New Zealand dollar yesterday, with news of curtailed orders from China driving the currency lower still.
Dairy exports may already be stuck on Chinese wharves as a result of a new import requirement that products be tested for 1080 contamination, says an industry group.
After everything New Zealand's infant formula industry has been through over the past few years, the last thing it needed was yesterday's news of the 1080 threat.
News of the threat to contaminate New Zealand infant formula with 1080 poison had barely registered in Chinese media last night.
China's decision to lower its annual GDP growth target to around 7 per cent should not have a significant impact on demand for New Zealand commodities, HSBC's chief economist for Australia and New....
To repent for his misdeeds, Tibetan monks tell Jim Eagles he must do circuits of Labrang Monastery for about two months. He makes a start.
The rise of the Chinese economy over the past 20 years has been transformational for New Zealand, writes Bernard Doyle.
Villagers in northern China have defended brutal dog fights to the death as entertainment.
China's Environment Minister has promised to confront an environmental challenge "unprecedented in human history" after an online film exposing his country's pollution crisis went viral with more than 100 million hits in two days.
China's central bank has cut the country's official cash rate for the second time in three months - a move which highlights concern about the economic slowdown of New Zealand's largest trading....
Forget the famed Trans-Siberian Railway - the world's longest rail journey now runs between Spain and China.