China Business: Kicking off Chinese innovation strategy
Alexander Speirs travelled to China to investigate the country's transformation from the world's factory into an innovation hub.
Alexander Speirs travelled to China to investigate the country's transformation from the world's factory into an innovation hub.
NZ is leading the world in relations with China, presenting this country with a massive growth opportunity - if it can position itself to maintain its lead, writes David Green.
We need to stay in touch with changes in China writes Tim Groser.
As China turns its gaze our way, our connectedness may be growing, says Martin Thomson.
Microblogging service is investing in R&D to stay ahead of the pack in China, writes Alexander Speirs.
New Zealand is well placed to reap the benefits of an ongoing relationship, says ambassador Wang Lutong.
NZ's relationship with Southern China and in particular Christchurch's ties will step up a level, says Lianne Dalziel.
Zuru Toys is out to become an innovative billion-dollar company. Alexander Speirs meets the successful Mowbray family.
The Huawei Spark innovation partnership bears 700MHz fruit writes Bill Bennett.
New Zealand is the second-cheapest country in the world for Chinese property shoppers but also one of the most popular, according to a Chinese real estate site.
Michael Pettis must be the world's coolest economist, Liam Dann writes.
Be kind. Try to live a virtuous life. Then, when the time comes, crowds may come to your funeral. In rural China, apparently, it also helps to attract mourners if you hire strippers.
What would happen if Chinese retail investors got a sudden taste for New Zealand stocks? Until recently that question might have seemed a little preposterous.
Justice Minister says she has had no extradition requests from China despite reports showing up to 20 of the country's most wanted fugitives fled to New Zealand.
11,600 Filipino, US and Australian soldiers - twice as many as last year - are set to join the war games off Palawan province near contested South China Sea islands.
Prime Minister John Key has downplayed revelations from Edward Snowden documents that New Zealand and American hackers had made a plan to spy on China.
One of the things I love most about China is that whenever you see a traffic jam there's always an old bloke on an impossibly rickety bicycle picking his way through the chaos.
New Edward Snowden documents reveal that the GCSB and NSA cooked up a plan to crack into a data link between Chinese government buildings in Auckland.
Five Eyes allies identified a diplomatic data link between Chinese offices as a target for hacking. Nicky Hager and Ryan Gallagher dissect the plan.
A Canterbury postgraduate student is cycling through Australia, Asia and Europe on his way to a UN climate congress.
The NZ dollar remains under downward pressure as the market awaits China's first-quarter GDP report today and the next GlobalDairyTrade (GDT) auction.
A spectacular weekend crash involving a Lamborghini and a Ferrari has thrown a spotlight on the boy racers in the heart of China's capital.
China's worst economic slowdown in 25 years will hit Australia as iron ore prices tumble, says the World Bank.
'Young and fabulous,' it says on the teenager's T-shirt, in big gold letters. If it is meant to be ironic, it isn't.
The world-beating surge in Chinese technology stocks is making the heady days of the US dot-com bubble look tame by comparison.
Gina Rinehart has locked in supply contracts with three of the largest iron ore-consuming Asian nations outside of China.