Legacy of Dalai Lama fades in new Tibet
It's hard not to feel a sense of melancholy while passing through the Dalai Lama's former quarters in Lhasa's Potala Palace.
It's hard not to feel a sense of melancholy while passing through the Dalai Lama's former quarters in Lhasa's Potala Palace.
Far beyond the big cities, growth in China's west is creating business opportunities for New Zealand companies.
An expert in the Chinese travel market says the devaluation of the yuan will have a mixed impact on the China visitor market but is advising New Zealand operators not to panic.
Having made their money in a one-party state, Chinese companies are facing culture shock as they deal with democracies.
As China guides its currency lower, it heightens default risks on foreign- currency debt and increases the odds of capital flight, which would slam stock prices.
Residents living near Tianjin have expressed fears for their safety after reports there could be hundreds of tonnes of dangerous chemicals at the site.
Business confidence is being tested a bit by events including dairy price downturn, but there's a 'fundamental confidence' out there.
Our senior business leaders are becoming increasingly concerned about the slowing economy, the Government's strategy and our reliance on China and dairy exports.
China surprised the world on Tuesday, announcing it would devalue its currency in a move likely to boost Chinese exports and support the country's flagging economic growth.
Sleep disorder device supplier Resmed will acquire Curative Medical in a move it says will give it a leadership position in the Chinese market.
I've written, enough times to make it seem memorable, of hikers, hunters, divers and cavers coming unexpectedly upon human bones.
China share-market leverage from sources such as online lenders and umbrella trusts has plunged by 61 per cent.
Hollywood is as eager as ever for Chinese money, courting investors, including state-owned enterprises.
Concentrating on marketing its cuts rather than processing them is paying dividends for a niche meat exporter.
Brett Hewlett announced at the company's annual shareholders meeting today that he will be step down in March 2016.
Deng Xiaoping's economic policies now inflate and distort asset prices around the world, including here in New Zealand.
The NZ-China free trade agreement doesn't stop new restrictions on house sales to overseas buyers, but National's subsequent deals try to, writes David Parker.
A video of a couple supposedly having sex in a changing room in Beijing has caused moral outrage across the Chinese internet.
The Chinese market crash and new rules combine to make investors look further afield.
Fonterra says it is disappointed about a poor first-half result expected by its Chinese infant formula investment, Beingmate Baby & Child.
A suspect in an alleged drug syndicate, allowed to leave New Zealand for fear of jeopardising the covert investigation, has been deported "voluntarily" from China.
Landlords, lawyers, real estate agents and accountants have presented submissions to the Parliamentary select committee.
The debate about non-resident Chinese buying Auckland houses could hurt bilateral relations and Labour has already done "immeasurable" damage to the links between the two countries, says a top boss.
Labour's Mt Roskill MP Phil Goff admits some of the constituents in his ethnically diverse electorate could be put off by his party's comments on Chinese housing investors.
Juwai.com has surveyed users and found 36 per cent of people spoken to bought property in New Zealand for investment.
A slowdown in the Chinese economy isn't expected to crimp demand for education in New Zealand.
Chinese newspaper accuses Labour of racism over property market data.
Chinese people work and save hard to buy Auckland residential property, while Kiwis spend up large - that's the tenor of responses to figures released by Labour.
It's impossible to know where the rout of Chinese stocks will end but there's little doubt its effects will wash over Australia one way or another, says Christopher Niesche.