China to Paris in a vintage Porsche
A vintage-car race from the Great Wall of China to the Place Vendome. What could possibly go wrong?
A vintage-car race from the Great Wall of China to the Place Vendome. What could possibly go wrong?
In a shocking new development, a rhino has been slaughtered at a French zoo for its horn.
Primary school students challenge Michael Woodhouse to grant China's grieving shidu parents lifelong visas to visit their children's graves.
Trump's confrontational rhetoric about Chinese trade policies hasn't won much support among Chinese consumers.
(Go south) where the skies are blue, markets authentic, food fantastic, locals friendly and Buddha is bigger, writes Andy Welch.
An Auckland export cider company is moving to Hawke's Bay and selling shares to help make the move.
Police are looking for a female tourist from China after she missed her flight.
Twenty three year-old Stefan Warnaar was inspired to start his business on his OE. Warnaar opens up about competition.
Air New Zealand faces a sharp fall in first half profits as increased competition puts pressure on yields and oil prices edge up.
Comvita turned to a loss in the first half of its financial year after Chinese authorities cracked down on people selling its products through informal trading channels.
Former Labour MP Raymond Huo will return to Parliament if Jacinda Ardern wins the Mt Albert by-election on Saturday.
Chinese companies are big winners in the competition among foreign bidders for stakes in Abu Dhabi's largest oil concession.
The two-day Taniwha Dragon Economic Summit was hailed a success before lunch yesterday, Mondayachieving half its goal of $100 million
Pressure is mounting for the Government to reconsider the plea for lifelong visitor visas from Chinese parents who lost their only child in the Christchurch quake.
A group who lost their only children in the Christchurch quake feel failed by two Govts.
1. You can see it from space Robert Ripley's tag-line - "Believe It or Not!" - was a great way of trundling out alluring half-truths
Ancient water town conjures up a dreamlike vision of purity and simplicity, says Paul Rush.
For Comvita, an unofficial "grey" channel into China has played a big part in its success, but a change in the rules has hit sales.
In a plot fit for a spy novel, North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un's half-brother has been killed in Malaysia.
Nowhere are China's rusted-out industries worse than in Liaoning, a province that's slumped into outright recession.
COMMENT: Auckland needs to work harder and closer to build a two-way, long-term New Zealand-China relationship.
Some return flights to Europe have fallen below $1000 and on sale to London for an "unheard" of $1099.
President Donald Trump's official counsellor, Kellyanne Conway has told TV audiences to "go buy Ivanka's stuff".
A new report claims China has been practicing preemptive missile strikes against US bases.
It appears that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 fiasco is not over yet. A "minor fire" broke out at the factory that manufactures the malicious
Online images showed local officials holding a lavish banquet of meat of endangered pangolin, the most trafficked animal on earth.
200,000 are expected at biggest cultural festival in the country.
Immigration and the economy among topics English and Trump discuss in brief telephone call.
Scores of Chinese billionaires, millionaires and CEOs have disappeared in "state-sanctioned abductions" only to reappear days or weeks later.