Changing lives: Autistic families finding friendship and acceptance together
Jill Fallowfield's children were often being left out in social situations. Not here.
Jill Fallowfield's children were often being left out in social situations. Not here.
Early Childhood Council chief executive Simon Laube speaks to Mike Hosking about the lack of registrations for the Family Boost scheme. Video/ Newstalk ZB
As of October 8, 39,664 households had registered for FamilyBoost.
States accuse the company of deploying addictive features to keep children watching.
OPINION: Children and young people are spending huge amounts of time on screens.
Kids are not moving as much as they should be, impacting healthy growth and development.
More than 100 people, including dozens of children, have now spoken out to say they were victims of rape, sexual assault and sexual exploitation at the hands of US rapper 'Diddy'.
Police say the child is also a suspect in a dozen cases, from robbery to armed assault.
Eppie Sprung Dawson was convicted of having sex with a 17-year-old student.
Hanging out with the kids? For some Kiwi parents, school holidays do not come cheap.
Meningitis Foundation chair knows the personal pain this deadly disease can inflict.
'We just said to them ‘Tell us your stories, you’ve grown up with it, you’ve seen it’.
Try as you may, there’s no ignoring bored children on a rainy day.
OPINION: Bans have had little success but unrestricted access has been disastrous.
Rotorua Hospital's children's unit has undergone refurbishment. Video / Laura Smith
Two months since a scathing report, there is no update on how to better care for NZ kids.
Reaction to Birthcare in Parnell closing its birth suites from December 31.
Research shows the drug can work well with some forms of epilepsy.
They talk to Ben Boyce about fame, family and whether they're supporting the All Blacks.
Police are investigating with the family's full co-operation.
Judge Bayley: 'No one is able to erase the ongoing harm you have caused your sons.'
The Associate Education Minister announces a new scheme to tackle a 'truancy crisis'.
OPINION: Building new houses that are warm, dry and secure is urgent and necessary.
Everyone knows Kiwi kids are tough as nails, but can they keep their shoes on? Reporter Sean is at the frontlines of the slipperiest, slidy-est, stinkiest race in Aoteaora! V / KKN
OPINION: Targets are neither the problem nor the solution, Rob Campbell writes.
Tablets offer few opportunities for kids to develop important emotion regulation skills.
Honest, open conversations about sex help children grow into sexually healthy adults.
Online harm wānanga shows parents what a minefield they face.
OPINION: The Government has done a remarkable job in eight months.
OPINION: 'Why don’t we have a war on poverty instead of building bigger prisons?'