'Campaign of violence' against Moko
The man and woman who pleaded guilty to killing Taupo 3-year-old Moko Sayviah Rangitoheriri have been sentenced to 17 years each at the High Court in Rotorua.
The man and woman who pleaded guilty to killing Taupo 3-year-old Moko Sayviah Rangitoheriri have been sentenced to 17 years each at the High Court in Rotorua.
Chris Kahui has become a grandfather - on the 10th anniversary of the death of his baby twin sons who were murdered in 2006.
Vulnerable youths were at risk in a youth justice residence, while other facilities have an institutional feel and "prison-like" secure care, says a report.
Nia Glassie and Moko Rangitoheriri were both beaten to death at the age of 3.
COMMENT: Our government departments are setting up new data-sharing systems that New Zealanders ought to discuss, writes David Rutherford.
COMMENT: New Zealand has no shortage of tea-stained reports about the failures of Child Youth and Family and its hard-working, well-meaning staff.
The new "Super-CYF" department unveiled yesterday will take responsibility for about one in five Kiwi children at some point in their childhoods.
All or almost all state care for children may go to non-government agencies in a radical reform of child protection being unveiled today.
Foster parents could be in for a pay rise of about $80 a week in a major review of the care system now before the Cabinet.
From the flag debate to the outrage surrounding the TPPA, this year the government was at the centre of the country's three biggest PR challenges.
When Daryl Brougham was 11, his social worker said: "Daryl, the way you're going, you're going to end up in jail."
Child Youth and Family could not find anywhere for teen to go after her arrest.
Rather than placing children in foster care the state should be helping to strengthen their family unit.
The disabled boy social workers said was being used by his alcoholic mother and her boyfriend has lost access to a vehicle specially modified to meet his needs.
It is a grim glimpse of the front line of social work - an 1100-page dossier of abuse and misery cataloguing the life of Benjamin*.
Severely disabled child used by his alcoholic mother and her boyfriend to access up to $80,000 in benefits.
It is extraordinary that a West Auckland teenager was held in police station cells for four days because CYFs could not find a bed for her, Labour says.
The idea of Serco being responsible for a pipeline guiding children through their lives from cradle to grave - from CYF to prison - sounds like something from a dystopian novel, writes Richard Wagstaff.
The Green Party has won an apology from the Social Development Minister after it was confirmed Serco staff members had visited Child, Youth and Family sites.
A review panel is scathing of CYF's performance, saying the system is focused on immediate risks and containing costs at the expense of tackling harm.
Every person in the country aged up to 17 has been screened for factors that could later see their life take a turn for the worse - and cost taxpayers.
We must create strategies to address negative ethnic stereotypes which result in too many tamariki put into care, writes Anton Blank.
"These kids just need a chance, it's really hard at 17, they are too old to be in the system but too young to have rights."
Fixing child abuse and neglect is all about building relationships with families in need, social workers say.
Fixing child abuse and neglect is all about building relationships with families in need, social workers say.
More financial support is needed for caregivers of vulnerable children to do their job properly, says Children's Commissioner Russell Wills.
Children's Commissioner Russell Wills has done the Government a huge favour with his State of Care report this week, whether he intended to or not.
The shortcomings at Child, Youth and Family reflect an agency that hasn't coped with a significant switch in societal attitudes to child abuse.
A damning report on Child, Youth and Family says 117 New Zealand children were abused in care last year - and some have had up to 60 placements.