Sister of slain girls: I never spoke up
15yrs after Saliel Aplin and Olympia Jetson were murdered, sister tells of abuse, regret.
15yrs after Saliel Aplin and Olympia Jetson were murdered, sister tells of abuse, regret.
Police investigated a relationship between a man in his 50s and a teenage girl.
The abuse suffered by five children has been slammed as "abhorrent" by CYF.
Comment: Will new Ministry for Vulnerable Children get it right, asks Lizzie Marvelly?
COMMENT: One of the women involved in the death of Nia Glassie about to have her fifth child. Taxpayers will raise all of them.
Oriwa Kemp is pregnant again, just months after CYF removed a child from her care at birth.
Overhaul of the child protection laws puts emphasis on placing children in a safe, loving home.
Young offenders sent to bootcamp punched in the head and allegedly raped by supervisors.
Child Youth and Family is to review how it handled a case where five children were so badly neglected they had to eat rotten food.
Oriwa Kemp, one of the women jailed over the brutal child abuse death of toddler Nia Glassie, has been convicted of assaulting her partner.
An autistic teen who spent two nights in a police cell will be temporarily housed in a motel after Child, Youth and Family were ordered to find suitable accommodation.
The Maori Party says the Child Youth and Family overhaul risks creating a "stolen generation" of Maori children.
The mother of a Hamilton primary school student believes the school and other authorities have tried to brush the incident under the carpet, reports say.
Tanya Quedley, 48, was sexually abused by her own father from age 9 or 10 until she ran away at 14.
Almost 80 children have died in the care of the New Zealand state in the past 15 years - an average of five a year.
A Hastings primary school is bringing in self-defence tutors for its older girls because the girls are afraid of being sexually abused by older men.
Two children lived with convicted criminal despite father's repeated warnings; police now allege home was hub of P ring.
One of the women jailed over the death of Rotorua toddler Nia Glassie has had her third child removed from her care by Child Youth and Family at birth.
Young people in state care will soon have a right to stay in or return to care until they turn 21.
COMMENT: Recent cases indicate violence between and against children is widely accepted.
Teens were unlawfully detained for weeks on end in the seclusion wing of a youth justice facility run by Child Youth and Family, according to its own senior staff.
With gangs deeply ingrained in Hawke's Bay, a new government initiative to steer youth away from them could provide lasting benefit
A teenager has appeared in court in relation to a brutal carjacking in Panmure last week which left a 65-year-old woman in hospital.
A Dunedin youth advocate has hit out at Child, Youth and Family after young offenders have had to spend time in police cells.
A mother-of-four children was "in the grips of an extended drinking binge" when her four young children were found walking along a busy Hamilton street on their own.
A mother of two special needs children says sending your child to school feels more like babysitting than an education.
COMMENT: If we do have to name this "new" ministry, one that builds on strengths, provides hope, and recognises resiliency must surely be a better choice.
Court documents reveal criminal histories and rocky relationship before pair killed Moko.
Mother of 3-year-old killed by caregivers breaks down in court as pair are jailed for highest manslaughter sentence handed out in New Zealand.
Rallies across the country for toddler who was beaten, tortured and killed, as Tania Shailer and David Haerewa jailed for 17 years each.