Latest fromChild Poverty Action Group

'Bleak picture': Shocking stats for Kiwi preschoolers linked to child poverty
Report showed a 'stark intersection between poverty and preventable childhood illness'.

Cost of living: Fruit pickers spend a day's pay to drive to work
Anti-poverty groups have seven big requests from Govt in this month's Budget.

'Things are grim': Soaring costs pushing more Kiwis into hardship - advocates
Changes to benefits and Working for Families suggested to soften blow of inflation.

Benefits need to be up to $165 higher a week, advocacy group says
Benefits will be lifted on Friday. But analysis shows families will still come up short.

'Very limited progress' on child poverty as key targets not met
"Not going backwards is not good enough for our tamariki."

'Escalation of poverty' in pandemic linked to jobs, living costs
'If we give up, say it's too hard, we are consigning a generation to the scrap heap.'

18,000 more children in poverty since lockdown - report
Māori and Pasifika have borne the brunt of Government inaction, experts say.

Support for increased income for low or non-waged
Poll of 40 agencies finds consistent backing for boosting income support to the needy.

Child Poverty: Govt was on track to meet reduction targets ... before Covid-19
Govt needs to lift benefits and build more houses, Children's Commissioner says.

Cecilia Robinson: Why 2023 must set the benchmark for child poverty
OPINION: Child poverty is our national disgrace, writes Cecilia Robinson.

Covid-19 predicted to make child poverty worse
Child poverty trends suggest a need for the "transformational" policies promised in 2017.

Election 2020: What's the plan for welfare and child poverty? Policies compared
Labour is offering the carrot, National the stick, and other parties want a new approach.

Milestone of 26 weeks' paid parental leave has been reached - so what's next?
Campaigners now want higher weekly payments and more flexibility for partners.

Kathryn's story: Child homicide, fraud, and an insurmountable debt
Kathryn died in September with a fraud conviction and a $117,000 debt hanging over her.

They say they're flatmates. Winz says otherwise
They were two friends sharing a flat. But Work and Income thought otherwise.

Beneficiaries penalised for falling in love
Jacinda Ardern is being asked to drop penalties for beneficiaries who start relationships.

Left behind: School survey finds gulf in kids' internet access at home
A survey has found a huge digital divide between schoolchildren in rich and poor areas.

Big schools vow to fight loss of schools' powers
School boards glad to lose "compliance" role so they can focus on students.

Comment: Let's not forget another September anniversary
We were world leaders on social security in 1938. We can be so again, argues Mike O'Brien

Critics on review team point to big shake-up for schools
Taskforce members propose reshaping education agencies to strengthen links among schools.

Terry Sarten: It's not where we are - it's how we get there
National MP's bill to change school decile system missing the point