<i>Dita De Boni</i>: From the front lines
Ira*, a social worker through the 1990s, left the front lines because she was sick of seeing so many abused children being returned to their wider families.
Ira*, a social worker through the 1990s, left the front lines because she was sick of seeing so many abused children being returned to their wider families.
She is the Christmas angel who wanted to help another 9-year-old girl in suffering.
Waitemata police are praising the actions of a nine-year-old Devonport girl raising money to help a victim of horrific child abuse.
This is the face of the latest New Zealand child to die as a result of alleged abuse. Five-year-old Sahara Jayde Baker-Koro was found dead in her bed in Napier early on Tuesday.
A girl, 9, allegedly tortured and abused by her parents will spend Christmas with a new foster family.
A nine-year-old with horrific injuries never wants to see her parents again, a court has heard.
The mother of a girl, 5, found dead in her bed after an alleged assault was trying to escape violence in her life.
New claims emerged last night that the nine-year-old girl allegedly tortured by her parents was also sexually abused while in Child Youth and Family care.
Family advocates are angry that a couple charged with the abuse and torture of their 9-year-old daughter have been released on bail.
The killer of four-year-old James Whakaruru has been released from prison, despite multiple Parole Board reports claiming he remains violent and dangerous.
The mother of a tortured girl allegedly told authorities she was at a tangi 'down south' to prevent anyone seeing her injuries.
A toddler admitted to Starship Hospital earlier this year with a severe head injury has died.
An investigation has found that CYF failed to act on more than 200 cases of child neglect last year until notified more than 10 times.
Dita De Boni is horrified at the fear of a 2-year-old kicked to death after wetting himself.
A former Marist teaching brother was today found guilty of 11 historic sex offences by a jury in the High Court at Wellington.