Latest fromCharlie Hebdo

Fox News' grovelling mea culpa to Britain, France
America's most unrepentant news network has issued a string of on-air apologies for broadcasting erroneous information, including an expression of regret.

Jamie Whyte: Bullying Western morality a kind of tyranny too
On Christmas Day my 11-year-old daughter helped me understand the Muslim fanatics who murdered the French satirists at Charlie Hebdo, two weeks before the crime.

How brothers became killers
In 1992, two boys who would grow up slaughter 12 people at Charlie Hebdo, came home to find their mother lying dead in their council flat in Paris.

Britain fears Jewish exodus
Britain's Home Secretary Theresa May today pleaded with Jews not to leave Britain as she vowed to step up efforts to tackle anti-Semitism.

Charlie Hebdo protesters die in Niger
At least 10 people have been killed in violent protests in the West African nation of Niger over the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo's depiction of the Prophet Muhammad.

Man killed in 'Islamophobic' attack
A Moroccan man in France was stabbed 17 times in front of his wife at his own home in what is described as a “horrible Islamophobic attack”.

Editorial: Provocations Charlie Hebdo's way, not for all
Freedom of expression requires there to be a freedom not to say, not to publish certain things.

Hollande gains respect
Derided as gutless and indecisive two weeks ago, Francois Hollande has gained admiration for the sure-footed leadership he has shown during France's greatest terrorism crisis.

Paul Thomas: No 'buts' over freedom of expression attacks
Writer Salman Rushdie, who knows a thing or two about attacks on freedom of expression, calls them the But Brigade: those who deplored the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

Pope: Insult religion, 'expect a punch'
Pope Francis has said there are limits to freedom of expression and that anyone who ridicules someone else's religion could deserve a punch.

Charlie Hebdo cartoonist breaks down
Charlie Hebdo's cartoonist broke down as he explained why he drew Muhammad on the controversial front cover.

Charlie survivor: 'Gunman spared my life'
'You are a woman, we don't kill women.' A survivor of the Charlie Hebdo massacre recalls how she stared into the eyes of a gunman who'd shot her colleagues dead.

Brian Rudman: Paris mourners display shameless hypocrisy
Russian President Vladimir Putin's new-found love of "free speech" was too much for surviving Hebdo cartoonist Bernard Holtrop to stomach, writes Brian Rudman.

Centimetres from Charlie Hebdo killers
From his hiding place, Lilian Lepere texted police vital information about Charlie Hedbo terrorists who were holed up in printers.

Paris hostage-taker was on US terror list
The hostage-taker who killed four people in a Paris supermarket siege was on a US terror watchlist.

Charlie Hebdo's defiant return
Charlie Hebdo says it will "cede nothing" to terrorists - and has defiantly placed a new cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad on its cover.

Gunman's girlfriend on CCTV
New video footage has emerged which is believed to show the fugitive widow of one of the French gunmen at Istanbul Airport.

'Together': A fightback without any violence
The hardest part - but also the most stirring - was watching the children. Little boys and girls, each clutching a tricolour emblazoned with the words "Je Suis Charlie" and singing.

World leaders join march of 1.6 million
About 1.6m people are estimated to have marched in the centre of Paris. They marched "for the Republic", "against hatred" and "for history".