Latest fromCars
Citroen pegs C3 as the bomb
There's hot competition in the small car sector, with everything from cheap'n'cheerful runabouts to well-equipped Euro style-meisters on offer. So Citroen's C3 must make an impact if it is to revitalise the brand.
FPV - When eight isn't quite enough
Ford's FPV performance offerings in recent years have left the line-up of force-fed six cylinder Falcons as the brand's real stars.
M-badge marks the spot
BMW deliberately badged its latest go-fast model the 1-Series M-coupe to avoid confusion with the mid-engined M1 supercar of the late 1970s.
Weekend leisure: It was love at first drive
Prepared for some quick thrills while car shopping, Gill South ended up finding the the perfect match, although, sadly, it wasn't meant to be...
Tamaki Drive carparking spaces moved after crash
Four car parking spaces have been removed from the scene of a fatal crash involving a cyclist in Auckland earlier this week.