Latest fromCareer

New claims against fraud scientist recruiter
The company that recruited a Defence scientist who made false claims in his CV also put forward an accountant who ripped off her employers.

Fraud scientist recruiter defends process
The recruiter which appointed a top-level Defence staffer, despite his false CV claims, says a review shows its appointment process was correct.

Key orders investigation into SIS vetting after CV claims
John Key has ordered an inquiry into how former top defence scientist Stephen Wilce was given top security clearance by the SIS.

Nurse gifts $800,000 house to charity
Yvonne Knipe-Ackermann, who died in January on her 73rd birthday, left her $800,000 Ponsonby home to Oxfam.

Spy agency faces flak over CV saga
NZ's spy agency is expected to be drawn into the saga of a top defence official who has quit after claims he falsified his CV.

Athletes' career game plan
Champions need help adjusting to life after sporting glory, writes Val Leveson

<i>All in a day's work: </i> Drug test = dismissal
You would think it would be a fairly clear cut case ...

KiwiSkills gets back to the basics
The Computer Society is trying to make New Zealand $1.7 billion a year.

Postie fired for critical Facebook comments
A postie who used Facebook to criticise his job and humiliate a workmate says he did it "for a laugh" and didn't know anyone could read his blogs.