Latest fromCanvas magazine
Ultimate New Zealand road trip - Auckland to Bluff
Over five days, Greg Dixon does one of the ultimate New Zealand road trips: taking a car from Auckland to Bluff.
Review: Olaf's, Mt Eden
Mt Eden diners need to pay a visit to Olaf’s before folks in the outer suburbs discover it.
Daimler Stardust: What a dame
Sixty years on, the Daimler Stardust - complete with blue crocodile skin trim - has gone under the hammer.
Book excerpt: Crash course
As Top Gear’s The Stig, Ben Collins knows more than most what the consequences of speed can be. Here, in an excerpt from his new book, he shares top tips on safety, and parking.
Driving on the safeside
It used to be, years ago, that safety didn’t matter much when it came to cars. These days it’s one of the first things we consider when buying. Alan Perrott offers a starters’ guide to buying a safe car.
Books: Small steps towards fascism
The conversation turns to how to end the world when David Larsen talks to writer Jo Walton.
Gallery: Portraits From A Doctor's Surgery
For nearly two years Northland doctor Chris Reid photographed his patients. Greg Dixon talks to him on the eve of an Auckland exhibition of the result.
Wine: Light wines for summer
If your attention is now turning to wines that reflect the season and our usual lighter summer cuisine, you’d do well to seek out these gems.
Review: Cibo, Parnell
An outstanding dinner at an eatery at the top of its game — even if the rather familiar style of service can be Amusing to some.
Win at rock, paper, scissors
Thought rock, paper, scissors was a game of chance? Think again, says William Poundstone.
Amy Poehler spills the beans in new memoir
Comedy queen Amy Poehler’s new memoir spills the beans on her divorce and her dalliance with cocaine. Now, the much-feted comedian is on a new mission — to get rid of the cult of cool and promote humour that’s for everyone, writes Hephzibah Anderson.
Bowler: To live and die in LA
Leena Tailor talks to Kiwi actor Grant Bowler about the long path to Hollywood success, divorce, and sex scenes with Lindsay Lohan.
Books: Pulling the plug
Meetings with prize-winning authors form the basis for new satire, writes Stephen Jewell.
Review: Dilecta, Grey Lynn
A delectable array of Mediterranean-inspired small plates gives diners good reason to head to Grey Lynn.
Book extract: A walk on the wild side
A new book exploring New Zealand’s long history of bush walking is published this week. In this Exclusive extract, writers Shaun Barnett and Chris MacLean discuss the evolution of that mysterious New Zealand term for hiking: ‘tramping’.
The invisible man
As a finalist for the Walters Prize, artist Kalisolaite ‘Uhila lived rough on the streets of Auckland for three months. It was scary, challenging and uplifting, he tells Linda Herrick.