'Cavalier': Landlord takes photo of female tenant in bed
A landlord snapped a photo of his tenant without her knowledge - and was snapped himself.
A landlord snapped a photo of his tenant without her knowledge - and was snapped himself.
Man charged over double killing granted name suppression in Christchurch court.
At one stage the blaze threatened up to 10 homes.
Call for the Government's new urban development authority to lower its salary offers.
The diver was reported missing about 1.45pm today.
More than six years after Neil David Jones' tragic death, Canterbury DHB found in breach.
St John has assessed 96 patients on the train, none of which are injured.
While some tourists were helicoptered out today, others remain stranded overnight.
Landlord "pressed the accelerator, hoping I'd miss him".
Yesterday, Gisborne topped the charts at a whopping 38.2C, its hottest day since 1940.
He murdered two women and buried them under the floorboards in his home.
New research shows victims of the attack led the media coverage in New Zealand.
Jesse Grimwood aimed gun at victim's head and pulled the trigger.
A teenage flasher caught by a police dog in Christchurch dog park
The vehicle lost control and crashed in flames, killing all three occupants.
'Badly investigated' police case couldn't prove Brent Davie hit 178 parking meters.
The man has more than 30 criminal convictions.
We review Jetstar's JQ236 service from Christchurch to Auckland.
Eagle-eyed broadcaster brought to tears after saving friend's life.
The Huijs trio will be aiming for a smooth passage in their midget chariots.
Live in a house on sloping ground? Your foundations could be at more risk in a quake.
The lucky Lotto winner has been tracked down.
A 36-year-old man has pleaded guilty to murder.
Muslim community outraged accused will see sections of report into Christchurch attacks.
The fire is 200m by 30m in size, but has been contained.
It will beach time for most of New Zealand today.
School of 500-odd students coincidentally has three pupils with congenital heart defects.
A school principal says to parents: "You know your child best."
Family Help Trust in Christchurch have lost four social workers due to the pay gap.
Queenstown Lakes mayor says the education-first approach has been a win-win for everyone.