How to cut your chances of getting cancer
Eight simple changes you can make that will greatly reduce your chances of developing the disease.
Eight simple changes you can make that will greatly reduce your chances of developing the disease.
Pharmac happy to consider application to fund erection drugs for prostate cancer patients.
COMMENT: The Care Alliance are essentially saying they know what is best for this patient. That staggering arrogance is the real crime.
A New York father has pleaded guilty to killing his toddler daughter, who was an eye cancer survivor, with a wooden baseball bat.
Charities that solicit donations from the elderly have ethical responsibilities, Age Concern warns.
New Zealand's largest private health insurer is under fire for not approving the latest breast cancer screening technology.
Nikki Quinn was diagnosed with cancer at 13, had an allergic reaction to chemotherapy and died on the operating table when her organs shut down.
Five years ago, my 12-year-old daughter and I waited in a long switchback line similar to that of a popular ride at a theme park. But we were not at Disneyland, instead we were at the saddest place on earth: the lobby of Children's Hospital Los Angeles.
The National Screening Unit will end cervical smear tests for women aged 20-25 in 2018 citing "a strong body of evidence" showing the procedure may be causing more harm than good.
A revolutionary blood test has been developed which acts like a smoke detector to spot cancer up to 10 years before symptoms appear.
Fourteen months ago things were looking up for Takahue teenager Georgia Buckingham. She was back at home with her parents, Glenn
Watch NZH Focus: After MP Nikki Kaye is diagnosed with breast cancer, we look at the treatments available.
UK scientists have warned modern life is killing our children with the number diagnosed with cancer rising because of air pollution, pesticides, poor diets and radiation.
Terminally ill Kaitaia teen Georgia Buckingham is off to Sydney this week, and Air New Zealand has a surprise in store for her.
A year ago police officer Alana Jamieson was told she had cancer for the second time. This is her story of hope.
Research has revealed that cancer drugs are killing up to 50 per cent of patients in some hospitals.
The Kaitaia teen with just weeks to live was "in tears" when she found out tonight that her final wish would be granted.
NZ Cancer Society medical director Dr Christopher Jackson discusses urgent worries around New Zealand's systems for reviewing and funding ground-breaking new cancer drugs.
A study by World Health Organisation scientists reveals the number of people who get cancer because of an unhealthy lifestyle is thousands higher than previously thought.
Study for drugs industry group finds new cancer medicines extend patients' survival rates, reduce hospital admissions, save money for health system.
Lecretia Seales' husband Matthew Vickers wants New Zealand to know that her life was more than just the campaign she waged in her final year.
An Auckland mum, who made it her mission to wed her long time partner before she got too sick, has died of cancer this week.
Teina Terei, the 17-year-old son of the Kiwi entertainer, has passed away after a battle with leukaemia.
Leanne Pooley expected to feel amazing after finishing her cancer treatment. The reality was somewhat different.
Patients battling advanced breast cancer could be spared needless treatments with a clever DNA-based technique that uses personalised blood tests to closely monitor tumours.
Crowds cheered Donald Trump for a $20 million gift to a children's home. But did he ever make the donation?
A throat cancer sufferer has a new jaw, created with the help of 3D printing techniques - the first Kiwi to benefit from the cutting-edge technology.
After beating cancer three times, Sarah is going on a road trip to the West Coast on scooters to raise money for the Cancer Society of New Zealand.
A brave Hamilton mother wants to share the importance of being checked for bowel cancer, especially if there is a family history.
John Newman may be forced to take a break next year to undergo treatment on the benign tumour because medical professionals have found some 'cancerous cells'.