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Mike's Minute: Loopy rules
New Zealand

Mike's Minute: Loopy rules

Mike Hosking says we live in a world full of infuriating rules. Imagine if you asked a government department a question and their go-to answer was "hmm can't see why not?"

Silver Fern confirms Chinese investor

Silver Fern confirms Chinese investor

NZ's biggest meat processor, Silver Fern Farms, has confirmed that China's Shanghai Maling Aquarius - a Bright Foods subsidiary - would invest $260 million to form a 50/50 joint partnership with the Dunedin-based group.

Mike's Minute: Auckland housing inflation won't last
New Zealand

Mike's Minute: Auckland housing inflation won't last

What needs to be done to contain the runaway train that is Auckland's housing market? Mike Hosking says there comes a point where it doesn't matter what the interest rate is, people aren't going to be able to afford to borrow the money in the first place.

Mike's Minute: Is Govt being derailed by health?
New Zealand

Mike's Minute: Is Govt being derailed by health?

We're starting to see an emerging theme of people being diagnosed by doctors, given referrals to specialists who can't see them because they're full and/or procedures that can't be done because the list is too long. So what's the next step?