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Fletcher Residential

Fletcher Residential

Fletcher Residential has released an investor update, while at Three Kings a group of residents last night vowed to take legal action. New Zealand Herald property editor Anne Gibson explains.

Air NZ first flight to Argentina touches down

Air NZ first flight to Argentina touches down

Air New Zealand's flights from Auckland to Buenos Aires begin today, boosting competition in the travel market between this country and South America. Among the passengers on this evening's inaugural flight is former All Black captain Richie McCaw, who recently re-signed as an Air New Zealand brand ambassador for a further two years.

Richie McCaw on Air NZ flight to Argentina

Richie McCaw on Air NZ flight to Argentina

Air New Zealand's flights from Auckland to Buenos Aires begin today, boosting competition in the travel market between this country and South America. Among the passengers on this evening's inaugural flight is former All Black captain Richie McCaw, who recently re-signed as an Air New Zealand brand ambassador for a further two years.

Jeremy Clarkson shows off Amazon delivery drone

Jeremy Clarkson shows off Amazon delivery drone

Almost exactly two years after announcing its plans to deliver packages with a drone, Amazon revealed a new prototype of one of its delivery drones. Amazon's prototype is an octocopter - meaning it has eight propellers and can take off and land vertically, like a helicopter. But the design also includes wings and a "pusher motor" so that it can transition from helicopter takeoffs to the energy-efficient flight of a plane at altitude. A pure octocopter wouldn't be capable of a range of 15 miles, like this prototype. Source: Amazon/YouTube

Fonterra reveals board choices

Fonterra reveals board choices

Fonterra has affirmed its guidance for the 2016 milk payout to farmers, although chairman John Wilson said it was dependent on global dairy prices rising in the first half of next year from current unsustainable levels. Video source: Alan Gibson

Mike's Minute: Summit Fatigue
New Zealand

Mike's Minute: Summit Fatigue

Mike Hosking talks about how many summits there have been in recent weeks. He asks viewers to name one concrete thing that came out of these summits that will change or improve the world in any shape or form?

Business: Harmoney founder Neil Roberts

Business: Harmoney founder Neil Roberts

Christopher Adams talks to Harmoney founder and co-CEO Neil Roberts about the rise of peer-to-peer lending, the company’s upcoming Australian expansion and how the P2P lender is safeguarding itself against bad debts.

Raw: Protests at Fletchers AGM

Raw: Protests at Fletchers AGM

Protestors outside Fletcher Building's annual meeting, opposing its housing development plans for the Ihumatao area in Mangere near Auckland International Airport. Supplied/Greg Bowker

Video: SkyCity boosts earnings 14pc

Video: SkyCity boosts earnings 14pc

SkyCity, New Zealand's only listed casino company, has boosted earnings 14pc percent in the first four months of its 2016 financial year. Business reporter Anne Gibson talks to Skycity Chief Executive Nigel Morrison.