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Alan Joyce - Qantas CEO

Alan Joyce - Qantas CEO

Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce talks about the performance of Jetstar's new regional operation in New Zealand. Video / Grant Bradley

Julian Cook - Summerset expansion

Julian Cook - Summerset expansion

Speaking at the site of a big new retirement village at Hobsonville, north west of Auckland city, Summerset chief executive describes the company's expansion plans.

Watch: New Zealand Post to sell 45pc of Kiwibank

Watch: New Zealand Post to sell 45pc of Kiwibank

New Zealand Post Group has received a $495 million indicative offer from the NZ Superannuation Fund and Accident Compensation Corp to buy 25 percent and 20 percent respectively of subsidiary Kiwi Group Holdings, which owns Kiwibank.

Mike's Minute: Panama Papers

Mike's Minute: Panama Papers

The real tragedy in this ?Panama Papers? case is that nothing will be done about it. Unless they're involved in genocide, the truly powerful will never be held accountable for their actions.

Watch: How the world's rich hide their money

Watch: How the world's rich hide their money

An international collection of journalists published a report on the financial activities of a dozen current and former world leaders that said associates of Russian President Vladimir Putin have moved as much as US$2 billion through offshore accounts. Source: ICIJ

Mike's Minute: A wicked conundrum
New Zealand

Mike's Minute: A wicked conundrum

Wicked Campers really do stand out. They stand out in a tacky and needlessly provocative way. If you choose to get offside with government officials or big businesses, you do so at your own peril.