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Is our rockstar economy all good news?

Is our rockstar economy all good news?

New Zealand's latest GDP stats are out - and thanks to building and construction, tourism and immigration, growth is highest in the Western world - but is it all good news? Graphics: Phil Welch

Watch: The Economy Hub: GDP reaction

Watch: The Economy Hub: GDP reaction

New Zealand’s economy grew at 3.6 per cent in the year to June 30 – one of the strongest rates in the Western World. Liam Dann talks to Craig’s Investment Partner’s Mark Lister and Harbour Asset Management’s Shane Solly.

The Economy Hub: On the Up

The Economy Hub: On the Up

Dairy prices are up, GDP forecasts are strong and your house is worth $1 million. So why the economic gloom? Liam Dann talks to economists Cameron Bagrie and Christina Leung about the sense of unease overshadowing New Zealand’s recovery.

Smart Jacket shows the way

Smart Jacket shows the way

Telco Vodafone is testing a SmartJacket in NZ - which uses more than 300 LED lights to signal which way a cyclist is turning on a pre-programmed route.

Watch NZH Focus: Economists say legalise weed
New Zealand

Watch NZH Focus: Economists say legalise weed

A recent Drug Foundation poll found almost 65 per cent of New Zealanders are in favour of legalising or decriminalising cannabis. Now an organisation better known for its views on inflation and GDP has thrown their weight behind cannabis law reform. Liam Dann talks to Tristram about it.