Council tells Rod Duke on Herne Bay helipad: hand over more info
Rod Duke must supply more information on his Herne Bay boatshed application.
Rod Duke must supply more information on his Herne Bay boatshed application.
Subject of film-maker's latest email is truck movement impact on a "fragile" road.
They vov to stop Fletcher developing 480 new homes.
More than 20 pieces of the timber potentially worth $10,000 per cubic metre was unearthed.
New images offer a view from the top.
Apartments dominate NZIA regional Auckland awards
Phil Twyford said it was a surprise to learn additionality tests were done verbally.
A new study shows prime real estate is tough to secure.
Retirees are being compensated for delays.
Collins questions whether affordable homes are really that.
Building system performance introduction. / Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Biggest building sector reform proposed in 15 years.
Landowner, Government and the community unite to save a house that was in the way.
Watch: Beneath Auckland, watch the City Rail Link being built.
EDITORIAL: Building accord might not be good for us.
A total $33 million was issued for 84 new houses, the highest value and total for 4 months
NZ's top apartments are going to the rich and famous.
The wild weather which washed out SH6 near Haast today will hit the North Island tomorrow.
What's Rod Duke doing about his helicopter dream: new barrister brought in.
It's 100 years since a crippling Bay housing crisis. Today's is for different reasons.
Auckland Council and City Rail Link Ltd are ruling out compensation for businesses.
Today's top news: alleged mosque gunman gets legal aid, Kiwis don gumboots for the day.
Bunnings gets council rejection overturned, allowed to build.
The scale of these losses is second only to Mainzeal.
Commercial Bay: dramatic change to city skyline.
Manukau Institute of Technology to build new $55m trades school.
A new application to Auckland Council has been made.
NZ's biggest new shopping centre opens later this year.