Tenancy law change 'too hard': Landlord's threat to keep homes empty
Empty rentals preferable to 'being stuck with tenant from hell', says property specialist.
Empty rentals preferable to 'being stuck with tenant from hell', says property specialist.
Ari Bailey's partner of 20 years moves into the earth house she was inspired to build.
Resident chained to crane to save protected macrocarpa at Ockham development. Video / Michael Craig
"Highest price achieved so far is $3m" - Campbell Barbour
Time-lapse footage of construction at Omana North. Video / Omana North
Some Rotorua iwi are concerned about developments at Rotorua's airport.
EDITORIAL: The final stretches to this crucial artery are nearing completion.
Every floor in historic Civic Administration Building is being torn up and replaced.
But buyers won't be moving in before Christmas.
Mowbrays threaten litigation against fellow apartment owners.
Building and construction is New Zealand's fourth-largest employer.
Worker continues to suffer from injuries after falling from a mobile scaffold.
Mayor Andy Foster says the heart of the city feels like it's in an induced coma.
Hirepool has appointed an adviser to manage the process.
Magsons trades as Nido, this country's largest store of its type.
The move will shore up future of the city's National Music Centre after budget blowout.
Owners are feeling financial pressure and the heat is being put on engineers.
Legal challenge fails, judges find in favour of marina developers.
Landlord intends to expand store but no re-opening date given.
"We've had to bite the bullet and make modest changes," Auckland councillor says.
Going from spring to summer, timber supplies forecast to be short.
Fletcher to make nearly $100m more this year than last.
Smallest listed real estate vehicle has big plans development, office block
What kind of training will lead to secure jobs as we recover from the Covid recession?
Illegal work was discovered when a large concrete block fell onto a neighbour's roof.
The building work was discovered in 2018 when a block fell on a neighbour's roof.
List of who's who in the construction sector in liquidators' first report.
Company bought four Alpaure AP4 sterilising fog machines for $1m - MacLeod.
"We have people in there to verify exactly where things are at" - accountant Mark Hughson.
"Roof design and specifications were compliant" - Ross Taylor, Fletcher Building CEO.